
Topic: Just for Fun

Dream Big Or Just Cover Your A$$?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
There seems to be two common extremes with the people I have come across in my career: a) the dreamers with their big plans, and b) the practical people who are a lot more conservative

One argument I've heard:
b: Look, we're in debt! Stop hiring people and planning these big things or we're going to get shut down!
a: We have to have big plans, we can't just concentrate on surviving. No one ever made it big by doing the same thing day after day!

Each thinks the other is crazy. And without the other to balance things out, they would be.

Personally, I have a lot more fun with the dreamers and their crazy ideas.
Your thoughts?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I side with the dreamers, no risk no gain! What a great observation, I have found the same kind of people out there.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    The words I live by... Dream big because dreams are one of the last free things left on earth....

    And, as a parting word... Being out of money doesn't mean you can't do something. It just means you have to think of something to do that doesn't cost money.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Marisa,

    GREAT question!

    I believe we need both.
    Without creative, big thinking, this world would be a very boring place. In business, we've all heard that we need to innovate or die. I am stimulated and inspired by those who think in creative and grandious terms, however an idea that can't be executed is simply an interesting thought. The ability to bring those visions to life (creating a fesible reality) is invaluable.
    Saying this, I think great value is and will be place in those of us who are able to successfully fuse both innovative, imaginative thinking with practical thinking. Even Einstein always wrote his ideas down with paper and pencil - he sketched his ideas.

    There has always been a great debate between whether analytical thinking (left-brain) or creative thinking (right-brain) is better. I am a big proponent of seeing the value in both types of people and promoting those of us to are right brained to think about things analytically and those of us who are left-brained to embrace our creativity. The more we work together and the more we can adopt new thinking, the better our results will be.

    Creatively & analytically yours.
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    I look at this issue like a race track. The cars are the dreamers, and the analytical people are the track. In order to have a good race, well ... you have to have both. By themselves, the cars are really great: fun, fast, loud, moving, moving, moving. The track, though not as exciting and definitely not moving, is immense and has very sturdy boundaries and rules, governed by physics.

    A race car alone is impressive, but without the track, there can be no race.

    I know my company benefits from having partners at opposite ends of the spectrum, though through mutual respect and appreciation for each other's strengths and weaknesses (and more importantly, acknowledgement of our weaknesses), we have learned to communicate through our frustrations, continue our growth and put on a really good show for the race fans.

    Great question Marisa! :)


    XPRT Creative
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Marisa P,

    I hope you're having a great day! Because life just keeps getting better and better for me.

    This question is almost similar in a way to a question being asked right now on our forum. You can check out what I wrote by reading here.

    If you read the responses you will find similarities. The Dreamer is a type of Circus Juggler. She has "Creative Balance". All of her paradigms are primarily rooted in the arts. Therefore she knows how to envision the concepts. She knows how to dream the dreams. Her vision is so powerful that more often than not others can not imagine the things she grasp with her mind. Give her a strategic plan and she should be able to give you a dream for how to make it happen!

    Now the practical people are those who use the Accountants "Theory of Balance". Every move is weighed and examined. Every step measured and remeasured again and again. She's a great executor and even more she's a wonderful planner. Give her a dream and she should be able to give you a strategic plan for how to make it manifest.


    That's me. When I decided to get a degree in Accounting and Art people thought I was crazy. But my exposure to the Arts & to Business theories has given me a greater advantage than most. There is another marketingprofs friend of ours with a similar background and she is very amazing. Her profile name is Michele.

    Remember our only real problem in life is our failure to be more creative than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. Just know that I'm here for you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi Marisa Palmer,

    I was reading an article on risk management and the theory was very interesting “Surviving in business requires a wide range of commercial, personal and management skills. To survive in tough times requires extra careful management of the business. All this adds up to the need for skilled leadership. Poor management can kill good firms”

    Any way, doing something different to improve business may be a risk that you cannot afford not to take! There is no business without risk. I love to dream but I want to put the things into practice. New Innovation in market also the part of giving dreams to our customers.

    It is true we need to access the risk before taking steps, but not every time it works. Some time “Luck” also plays a big role. Any way best for luck for your new Innovations

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted on Author
    Wow, Marilia, those are the EXACT phrases I've heard. I can't help but laugh!
  • Posted on Author
    Jennifer, what a great metaphor!

    I whole-heartedly agree that the team benefits most when each are able to recognize the merits of the contrary style of approach, and acknowledge their weak points.

    Lara, points well said. The best results come from both styles coming together by stretching their own limitations, and working towards the vision with practicality to carry it through.

    Shannon, thanks for your input, you took the question in the direction I was aiming for. We all agree on a certain level it takes both to keep the world on its axis, and both are valuable, but you hit on the point of the dreamers being open to change. So true that it is impossible to stay afloat and completely resist change at the same time.

    Do dreamers have no fear of change?

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your thoughts.
    Guess it's time for me to close the question.

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