
Topic: Just for Fun

Noxapater, Is There Anything Worse?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
While driving through Mississippi recently, I chanced upon a town/city by the name of NOXAPATER. Totally funny! Please, if your are a Noxapaterian, don't take offense. Afterall, we all have our burdens. LOL. Anyway,I was wondering if anybody could add to the list of unusual names of cities or towns? Also, what would one do on the annual Noxapater Day?????
(Also, please, no "There are two alternatives when naming a town/city type answers.) LOL... Still ...LOL
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  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    There is a town called Intercourse, Pennsylvania. What the heck were the founders' PR folks thinking? Oh, maybe we don't really want to know.

    XPRT Creative
  • Posted on Author
    Jennifer, thanks for responding. Maybe I should travel more.LOL. Yes, really what were they thinking? How about THEIR founders day celebration!!!!
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I have been to Scenic South Dakota... not too scenic.

    there was a dog trot illinois, but they disband the town....

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Frank, There's a old saying "till the dogs come home"... I guess none of them did. LOL
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    We have a wealth of silly names in the UK, many of which were not at all funny in their original language, dialect or context. When I used to be on the road more often, I used to try and visit them to see what they looked like and if the locals all looked as though they had suffered from the same jokes for a few hundred years. Surprisingly, most were fiercely loyal to their name regardless of how embarrassing it was.

    Examples are:

    Penisarwaun – Wales. Apparently it is a location which is rather hard to spell down the telephone without being branded a pervert. Same goes for Penistone in South Yorkshire. Penisarwaun means “Head of the Bog” but not “Toilet Seat”

    Lord Hereford’s Knob in the Black Mountains sounds a bit suspect, but Baldwin’s Knob is nearly in our back garden, and I know that it is not.

    Pratt’s Bottom near Orpington in Kent takes some beating but:

    Wyre Piddle is one of many Piddles, some of which lost their name when they were discovered to be on Queen Victoria’s itinerary.

    Mind you, you Americans take some beating, with Dildo in Newfoundland (OK, that’s Canada!) and Wanker’s Corner in Oregon. There’s also a Bum-Bum in Venezuela, though I’ve never had the pleasure!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Oh I think my home province of Saskatchewan has ya'll beat. First off, the name Saskatchewan.....I like to say its an old indian term meaning 'not much to do', but Sask Tourism gets all upset about that. The name comes from the Cree First Nations, meaning swiftly flowing river.

    We have a small town in this province called 'Love'. Its a very busy post office on Feb 14th.

    We also have another nice little town with great ambitions called Biggar. The official town motto is: New York is big, but this is Biggar. Photo proof here:

    I often wonder what went through the minds of folks as they named towns. Many towns and cities were named by the Railway as they banded this country together with steel. A local resident wrote a book about all the hamlets, towns and cities names. Amazing history behnd the names.

    Herbert, Saskatchewan has an interesting claim. In addition to being the home for my great grandparents for their 80 years of married life together, far from the native Odessa RU birthplace, it is also the place that Matt Groenig's father came from (or so it is said). Matt has his famous Simpson's character Homer based on his Herbert roots. Doh!

    Can't forget Dog River. Actually, its Rouleau SK, but who cares. If the networks in the US pick up the TV series Corner Gas...not only does Saskatchewan get on the international map, it would be one heck of a feather in the cap for our Tisdale comedian Brent Butt (yes, its his real name). See: and

    Not real close to Love geographically, but never far from the act is: Climax. Yes, Climax Saskatchewan. Its a sleepy little town, down near the US border. After 911, they were so worried about terorrism, they doubled the guard on the border....they now have TWO pylons guarding the 49th parallel! We all sleep better at night.

    Kipling, Saskatchewan...just had an increase in population. The owner and brilliant horse trader of has managed to trade one red paper clip for a house! Yes, Kipling has made Kyle's dream come true....they traded a house for one red paper clip (rather indirectly)..see: Kyle, welcome to Saskatchewan!

    Ahhh, Saskatchewan. Hard to say, easy to draw! Its a great place to be FROM...other than wheat and oil, our next best export is our people. 995,000 stong, and it hasn't increased in population for nearly 4 decades. 15 minute commutes to work, reasonable home prices, high tech facilities....bring 290 million of your closest friends for a visit, some of you are bound to stay! Birthplace of socialized medicine, cheap meds, and Land of Living Skies!

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
    (and very happy to remain a citizen of)
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Oh, I just thought of something. Now that Kyle of One Red Paperclip is an official resident of Saskatchewan, I wonder if he'll drive down our infamous highways to Kyle, SK. I think it would be a hoot to see him pull into town and tell everyone to 'Get out of his town'. :-)

    And I forgot about a special place here. One day, while driving the back roads from my farm at Stewart Valley to a field we were going to be harvesting for our business at I pulled to the side of the road and took a picture and wrote a short story about how I had come to find Success! Yes, Success, Sk. The sign said: Success some they think, you've missed it by a mile...not so. I've been to Success, I've reveled in it. I'd been around it, by it, near it, in it, and I'd also left it. I know where it is, which is more than some can say. And I know I'll be back to it again someday. Great article, great little town.

    Thanks for the thread!

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
    (and far too proud to be from Saskatchewan)
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Sorry, that was
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I hope you're having a great day!

    It appears a few people have gotten ahead of the game here on the following websites. You pick your choice of strange names or weird names for cities & towns. check them out.

    Well why waste your time just go to this link off of Google and laugh yourself crazy.

    Thanks for an interesting question full of a lot of strange, weird and just plain absurd names. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the links. There were so many hilarious listings.
    Steve, I was so sorry to hear about Pratts Bottom.LOL
    Some of the listings, I would be concerned with, come resume' time. Could really be a" red face "experience.Total fun though.
    Darcy, thank you for your response. Loved your site with the different organic florals and gifts. Unique.
    Theresa, I also live in a small city. One red light-which recently replaced yield sign.
    Streatpe, Thank you also- your site was too much fun.
  • Posted on Author
    Deremiah- Thank you so much for your response and links. I always enjoy reading your answers. I have throughly enjoyed everyone's response. I will probaly close out tommorrow.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks jdeems-I have heard of both since I live in adjoining state. Still very funny. I think Ray Stevens had a huge hit with a song called Pascagoula Run. Very funny. Thanks a lot.

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