
Topic: Advertising/PR

Simply Answer A Simple Question

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Greetings My Dear Associates:

I will put this question on several KHE areas. I am researching, and would like for everyone, not only on the site, but people you know to answer this question, and put the answers here. Your response may blast itself into your head immediately, or you may wish to think about it a while. Any way you wish, answer the question, honestly.

It is a simple question, with complex undertones. OK - This is the question you are to complete:

If everyone felt responsible...

That's it. Just complete this sentence.

Thank You...

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  • Posted on Accepted
    ...we'd all be to blame.
  • Posted on Accepted
    we'd taken first step towards success
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi W.M.M.A.,

    That’s really cool question.....!

    If everyone felt responsible...? Then what?

    I Feel:

    • Well, how do we hold them responsible?

    Or I will say?

    • We could make a nice love story, where at the end everybody's kissing, and that's a happy ending
    • It will solve all the problem


    M Bhor
  • Posted by narthur on Accepted
    for their own health, the US healthcare system would be more efficient and cost effective and our lives would be longer and richer!


    PS: this will be a very interesting thread to read. Great question Randall. I like how you think.
  • Posted on Accepted
    the world would be a better place!

  • Posted by easyE on Accepted
    . . . there would be no Global Warming!
  • Posted on Accepted
    ...they could treat everyone fairly.

    Sandy Riedel
  • Posted on Accepted
    ...then they would be honest with themselves.

    If everyone felt responsible, they should be proud of being a good group.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    He-e-e-e-eeey Randall,

    I know you're having a great day because you will not have it any other way!

    quite an interesting question with many undertones, middletones and overtones. I'm not even sure I should answer it because it may explode before I get it to the web page and ignite it.

    Well I'll try it anyway.

    If everyone felt responsible there would be no need for psychologist or counselors. If everyone felt responsible there would be no need for thoughts or suggestions. Everything in life would need no explanation because everything would feel interesting.

    If everyone felt responsible our feelings would rule over our imaginations, nations would never war with other nations if I felt responsibility it would make me feel responsible, and can you imagine what that would feel like if everyone felt responsible. I could over rule my actual circumstances as if they were invisible because my feelings would rule what I felt if my feelings made me feel responsible. What would I truly need if I felt this feeling of responsibility. Deep inside an amazing serenity...(me, myself and I) would be the holy trinity. If everyone felt responsible the depth of our doing would be done there would be no work for thinking because my feelings would've won. That's what I would feel if I felt that everyone...yes if everyone felt responsible.

    ...byderemiah 1:02 pm central time

    Remember our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. Just know that I'm here for you if you need my help Randall. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    ....we'd all be part of the problem.
  • Posted on Accepted
    ...we'd put a lot more thought into our choices.
  • Posted on Accepted
    ...the work will never be finished!

    The person(s) who is/are actually responsible for the job will now have an excuse for not getting it done (since everyone if feeling resposible!)
  • Posted by cread on Accepted
    I am with Fred.

    If we really all felt responsible we would drown ourselves this afternoon.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Mmmm.. Perry Barton's intellectual responsibility philosophy... my two-bits:

    If everyone felt responsible... we would all have integrity.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Like John Lennon said--"And the world would live as one".
  • Posted on Member
    Hi again....

    I have already posted...this is my second answer

    we would'nt need a boss
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Randall,

    here's a creative explosion for you...

    if everyone felt responsible then they could achieve more.

    if everyone felt responsible people would be happier.

    if everyone felt responsible what else would we need to do?

    if everyone felt responsible customers would never be disappointed?

    if everyone felt responsible people would stop blaming each other.

    if everyone felt responsible there would be no need for your question.

    if everyone felt responsible customers would be able to depend on you.

    if everyone felt responsible there would be nothing that would be impossible to achieve.

    if everyone felt responsible Lebanon and Israel could kiss and make up.

    if everyone felt responsible we could put Enron behind us.

    if everyone felt responsible we all could get along.

    if everyone felt responsible we would love each other to death.

    if everyone felt responsible we could stop world hunger tonight.

    if everyone felt responsible would we need to pay taxes?

    if everyone felt responsible then we could get on with being responsible.

    Randall you're a great man...

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    the only true way to make any idea infectious and embraceable by others is to MODEL IT.

    the easiest way to get others to hug and embrace your idea is to make it lovable, adorable, easy to see and grasp. So begin by reflecting what you want to infect in others.

    when people sense that we are passionate about what we do they even overlook our imperfections because they finally get a chance to see something in the earth that they've never seen displayed by other human beings and that is P-A-S-S-I-O-N. A grr-rreat marketing strategy must have PASSION and next it must have the ability to...

    most companies fail to wear a heart of compassion for others. For some reason we believe that if we stick it to people they'll work smarter and better for us. When implementing a marketing strategy we must allow others to take possession of the concept. We can only show that we have accepted responsibility for our program and our strategy when we Passionately display it. And then we (the employer) must allow ourselves to be compassionate toward others so that they can be free to reflect that marketing strategy in a way that allows the employee to respond to it.

    to be used by those who we are trying to impact with it. We can not evangelize people by dominating them with the idea. We must be organic with it...allow others to grow with it at their own level LIKE NATURE DOES.

    For example near where I live a farmer has planted a few hundred acres of corn. In some locations the seed of corn has shot up and taken off. It's vibrant and rich. In other areas where either the soil is not as strong or the water level is not as high the corn has grown slower and is smaller.

    But the farmer does not grow frustrated by this she let's every stock of corn grow at it's on level. She doesn't prematurely cut down the smaller stalks but she let's all stocks of corn grow freely until she plans to harvest it. That's how we should do.

    Some will move faster with embracing the strategy while others will move much slower but regardless all are necessary.

    put your plan out there then lead by following. Don't choke the employees to death by gripping them to tightly with the idea. If they think you love the plan more than you love them you'll kill them and then you won't have any strategy to implement. So serve your employees by listening attentively to what they are saying. Weigh the value of their input, meditate on what they have communicated and watch to see where things go from there.

    Again be passionate but also be equally compassionate. When you lead them by serving they'll serve you back. Remember our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. Just know that I'm here for you if you need my help Randall. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Accepted
    ...more than half of service companies would disappear.

  • Posted on Member
    1. If we all felt responsible for something, we would argue with each other over who would claim overall responsibility.

    2. To make people embrace an idea or strategy, fear is the most effective motivation. Reward comes second.

    Peter Hobday

  • Posted by rsullivan on Member
    If everyone felt ONE would take responsbility. I see this often, when eveyone felt responsible, but often each individual thought somebody else had the ultimate resposniblity to get a task done, follow-up, etc.

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