
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking For Affordable Direct Marketing Premiums To Offer. Ideally A Meal At A Nat'l Restuarant Chain I.e. Outback Steakhouse, Or Maybe A Cert For Say Best Buy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Can you recommend a cert program that won't cost a lot per unit. But has high percieved value?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    The two you mentioned are good choices. Here are some more suggestions based on what I have seen offered as rewards in consumer surveys and direct mail lately:

    BlockBuster Video

    Hollywood Video



    Now, I would recommend using more than one for different demographics. Get the info from the local chamber of commerce to get zip codes of movie watchers vs. big shoppers. For example, I received a $25 gift card for BlockBuster if I switch to MCI. ONe might wonder, "How did they know I watch a lot of movies?". I gaurantee I was targeted and someone else in the next neighborhood got one for Wal-Mart.

    So pick a few; movies, food, shopping...and target your direct marketing with the appropriate lure.

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Vev stole my answer! ;]

    Yes, Amazon certificates would be splendid. Also consider Starbucks cards -- I've been seeing those with promo's lately!

    - Shelley

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