
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique Online Sweepstakes For Marketers

Posted by Anonymous on 2750 Points
My company just launched a new tool that allows marketers to run online sweepstakes. To promote the sweepstakes tool, I am currently running a sweepstakes for marketers. I have 150 entrants but I’d like to at least double this number by August 18th.

My specific questions are:

Is the intro page decreasing visits to entry page?

Are the prizes appealing to marketers?

Does the entry form take too long to fill out? (Scroll through the entry or...fill it out...worst case scenario you win a video iPod.)

Any suggestions to double entries from marketers is greatly appreciated!!!

Here’s the link:

Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    it took just a little while to find the right link...
    The survey was on the borderline of too long.
    I did it and it took 7 minutes... Generally longer than I devote to those kind of things.;
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi aweitzel,

    you have a beautiful name and it's also a special month for me. I hope you're having a great day!

    Now it appears that the design of your website is quite interesting from a visual standpoint. The problem is that the design is not in harmony with the type of audience that will be filling out your sweepstakes form.

    Design is one of the most important elements in the structure of all products. If it's really not necessary than the question is "Is it really needed?". The design with the movement of your flash is very direct and intrusive. Are you trying to be slap you in the face direct or are you trying to be intrusive?

    ARE YOU TRYING TO BOLDLY DEMAND ATTENTION...and infringe on the viewers space? Well if you are trying to do that you accomplished that part of your purpose. Seriously is that what you are after when you're trying to get marketing people to give you information you need. They really don't need the information so we have to make that part of the concept appeal to them. Because we are trying to create a win-win-win for everyone involved.

    It has a merry-go-round circus type jubilation that makes the concept kind of whimsical. Kind of fun but then the objects eject out of this and the last one with the rigid blade knife sub-consciously communicates danger and violence a whole lot more than the other images in the design.

    LET'S LOOK AT THIS THING FROM AN ARTISTIC LEVEL...The architect Frank Lloyd Wright said "Form should follow function"...So what do you think? Does the form follow the function or could it be better improved? The design should communicate all aspects of the function without being overbearing. I know you can achieve this. With all you have put into this design I know that you can make the concept work better for you and for your marketing surveyors.

    Does the image align with things we interact with in real life? Yes some of the images do but the overall concept is kind of RISQUE.

    The rewards were not the type that I believe would motivate me from an outside perspective.

    What's even more interesting is that our forum here has used the ipod as a reward and it motivated me to offer advice. The rewards were appealing only because I feel comfortable with our owners and staff enough to say with confidence that there motives are genuine. They'll use the information but in a way that seems less threatening than me offering it to an unknown entity.

    Kind of flows out of that mindset that we are taught not to talk to strangers. Releasing information to a totally foreign group of people is very sterile and cold. Furthermore it can be dangerous. Now like some kids who speak to strangers and live to tell I think most of us would rather follow the rule "DON'T Speak To Strangers".


    Q1...Is the intro page decreasing visits to entry page? Yes to me it's quite obvious. (my information above supports that).

    Q2...Are the prizes appealing to marketers? Yes and no. Some of the prizes appeal but they tend to be more appealing for some of the youth I mentor than the marketing professionals I know.

    Q3...Does the entry form take too long to fill out? Most definitely.

    offer an introductory prize for filling the form out or a valuable download. Anything that says there is a reward right now. People want the prize in the box kind of reward. Remember our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. Just know that I'm here for you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by MANSING on Member
    Hi Aweitzel,

    You have received great response and I would like to say you have got a great idea about the critics you are looking for!!!!!!

    Let me give you my opinion:

    At the first place I will say Introduction page is all about what your business is? And what your business can offer? The introduction page is just like our appearance for the meeting (clothes); I feel your website is making people more and more interesting. As you know you have to make yourself different from your competitor.

    I think price is appealing to the marketers. We not a TV show can offer $1,000 for one question. We are giving the price according to the information we are getting it. Your website is doing right thing only thing you need to do is proper marketing and introduction / support /partnership with other company/website.

    I hope this will help


    M Bhor
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi aweitzel

    it didnt take much time for my browser to load your page, i use IE6.

    the intro page is not that impressive, i would rather prefer the following
    #every prizes to highlight once cursor goes on top of each
    #and display the value of each like 30gb ipod, or the strategy papers so that i understand what i am winning and its worth
    #links of each prizes should lead to a short description of each of the prizes except probably ipod and M&Ms so that one understands

    in short the reply to ur first question, yes it is decreasing visits, rather like others suggested, have a flash as intro to capture visitors' attention. and i also have given my 2 cents worth suggestions on the current intro page.

    on the survey page, i would suggest to have link on each prizes for the short description as suggested point 3.

    the survey, took about 7-8 minutes, which is is long, should be shortened. besides some of the questions might not be answered by people, i.e. company revenue, share of budget spent on online marketing etc.

    one thing, i suggest to add, to have a basic propostion for people who will take the survey other than winning prizes. The real proposition for survey takers should be what (benefits, benchmarks, strategy etc.) s/he would get out of this survey. your prizes should be added attraction to that main benefit.

    If you can have this proposition in the intro page and also on the survey page, you can have more people participating in the survey, even a long one.

    these are my 2 cents worth, hope it helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Aweitzel,

    Great comments above, but I would like to add a few more thoughts to your questions.

    Is the intro page decreasing visits to entry page?

    Yes, the graphics could be sending a negative message. One of the graphics is a knife, and another is a hand with one finger pointing--both of these images in certain cultures could connote negative messages and not the message you want.

    Are the prizes appealing to marketers?

    I don't think the prizes are clear nor the value. It is best to present your offer in a very clear manner so they can see the value. One example on how to describe your generous offer would be as follows:

    Over $500 worth of free merchandise* combined with a priceless business strategy

    * describe the free merchandise

    Does the entry form take too long to fill out? (Scroll through the entry or...fill it out...worst case scenario you win a video iPod.)

    Yes. Sorry :)

    Best of luck with your website!


    Sandy Riedel
  • Posted on Author
    I'd like to thank everyone who offered suggestions and opinions. An outside perspective is priceless. Thanks!

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