
Topic: Advertising/PR

Public Relations Article I'm Writing: They Want A Primer On Pr

Posted by Nancy Myrland on 25 Points
Hello...I am an independent marketing advisor that spends a small amount of time in media and public relations. I managed this function for a previous employer, so I was involved in strategy and understand enough to maneuver intelligently around the subject on a basic to intermediate level. I also offer my clients basic public and community relations strategy, but refer major needs to a PR specialist. I have been asked to write a 1000-1500 word article (Due this FRIDAY!) on public relations for a national association of business organization's newsletter, which is sent to local organization CEOs around the country. Any ideas on how you would approach the article? What would you include that is most important to them if they are beginning or growing their PR planning effort? Any ideas you have for me to put this together quickly would be most appreciated! Nancy
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I don't participate for the points... 8-)

    The public relations I have done for the company I work for has mostly involved press releases and articles. I am using these as a way to market my company's products for less than paying for traditional marketing programs.

    Other areas of public relations that I can think of are media relations, investor relations, and crisis management. The last one is one I am sure we all want to avoid ever having to use, if at all possible.

    I did a quick Google on public relations and found an interesting article that talks about the 'history' of PR - Could be some fodder in there for your article.

    If you wanted to use my little company's PR story and results as an example for your article, I'd be willing to help. It would probably help my PR goals to have my name out in front of the newsletter's audience...

    helpUhire Solutions
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Think what you're trying to tell them - you want to generate work from this, right?

    So tell them your story. From what you said above, you're a marketing adviser who does PR but uses outside specialists. USE THEM to help you write this article!

    Tell the audience how useful PR can be - but only when it forms part of an integrated marketing campaign. In other words, as part of the whole service you and others like you provide. Not just as an ad hoc measure to be invoked when something bad happens (e.g. like Exxon Valdez) and the top guys want to hide behind someone.

    Explain the relative audience leverage of PR versus paid advertising.

    Stress the importance of 100% openness and honesty when dealing with journalists to elevate the company's standing both at professional level and in the public eye (i.e. what the readers perceive)...

    Another thing you could do is encourage the preparation of PR strategies as part of an INTEGRATED disaster plan. That's where PR is best used "for covering off the bad stuff". Again, emphasise the importance of transparency and honest. Liars get caught out. Imporatnt too is seeing the company's public face - seeing who is standing up to claim responsibility for the god ideas, and taking the acountability when anything goes wrong.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Check out the articles here on MP. Also, you may find some useful tips at the following site:

    Good Luck!

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