
Topic: Customer Behavior

Why Should A Marketer Only Focus On Customers' Needs?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Marketer only focus on need or want. It isn't true forever, Why? someone can told the fact in the real practice world.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    marketers foucs on comsumers needs and wants to sell their product or service. if marketers does not sell what the customers wants or needs then they would lose there jobs, because if the customer thinks that they dont need the product or service then they will not buy it so the company will go out of bussiness.

    for example: would you buy a bike that is full of rust and very unsafe to drive if you wanted a car that was fast and looked cool.

    the answer is NO you would not because you dont want it or need it.

    would you buy a hat i that was made of dog hair and smelled like animal dropping.

    NO because you dont need it or want it

    there maybe a few strange people who want there items but they will be far and few between.

    if you give the customer what they want then they will be satisfied and they will come back ,also they will tell there friends and family, then they will become customers there by growing the bussiness and selling more product or service.

    it is 30 times more expensive to get a new customer than it is to keep the ones you already have.

    hope this helps

  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    It will be better to focus in the Customer objectives, in order to be more useful and successful. The objectives change less quickly than the needs. Example: Need "Eat" Objectives " a helpful person...feel good and enjoy...and so on".
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Because Needs and Wants are strong motivators to purchase and the marketers job in almost every case is to boost revenue by creating a positive environment in which sales can grow.

    Now, on the meaning of Liff...

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