
Topic: Website Critique

Feedback For A Haitian Creole Translation Website

Posted by NatashaChernavska on 50 Points
Hi everyone!

You can say that it's always better to have someoneto criticize your work even when you know that it's done professionally.

I would really appreciate your feedback for this project:

Haitian Creole Translation

How do you like the layout?
Do you find the navigation clear and the content easy found?
Did you have any problems with the downloading of the pages?
Did you get comprehensive information about company services?
Does the content sound friendly?

Thank you very much for your help!

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    i like it... everything seems to work and it is easy to understand.... a winner...

    my only critism is the green color... but that is a personal thing...
  • Posted on Accepted

    The layout is very professional I could follow the navigation quite easily which will be a bonus for visitors to your site. Clean and easy to use is the best way to design a web site.

    "Fly with us" is a unique button navigation name. You might want to name the button, Haitian Information or Haiti Info.

    My only concern is your Request A Quote page. I would recommend having a simple online form that someone could fill out for requesting a translation quote. The contact information that you are requesting could very easily be designed in a simple form. An example can be found at The only difference would be that you would add a browse field where someone could attach the document or pages of the document before hitting submit. You want to make it easy for someone to get you the materials that they need for you to quote. That is the main purpose for your site.

    Under services Marketing Materials is a little too generic. I would recommend expanding to say:
    Brochures, Catalogs, Websites, etc. I would also add Sales Presentations to your list.

    Good luck with your new website. I will keep your information handy should I design a website for a business that needs Haitian Creole Translation.


  • Posted on Accepted
    I like the site a lot. The color is fresh and seems appropriate for the topic; navigation is crisp; content good, informative, friendly. I like the "our team" page - you feel like you're really establishing a relationship with the company.

    While it's kind of cute, I do think "Fly with us" is too obscure and would suggest "Haiti Resources" or "Related Links" as a better menu label and page heading.

    The site could benefit from a quick copy edit by an English-language copy editor. There are some extra commas here and there, something funny happening with bullets (for example, on the "Our Team" page heading), and some verb agreement problems.

    Just as an example, this sentence needs a quick once-over:

    "Haitian Creole Translation is clear in meaning and are naturally sound in the context of both language and culture. "

    This level of copy edit should be quite straightforward, and seems worth it, especially in view of the service you offer.

    Nice job on the site!

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