
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pay Per Click Campains - All Google ?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I spend at the moment all my PPC budget on Google "Adwords campaigns. But I'm wondering if I should spend a part of this budget on a ( the ) alternative solution like "Yahoo Search Marketing" ?
In regards of your opinion & experiences should I transfer a part of my Adwords PPC budget to Yahoo Search and if possible in which percentage ?
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  • Posted by whimziequiltz on Accepted
    Jerome -

    With your market being more technical than mine, I'm not sure exactly how my experience will relate, but I switched advertising my custom quilt business from Google Adwords to Yahoo Search Marketing about a month ago. I've had more page views and more requests for information since then although the click-through rate has been about same (I think this is because my budget is fairly small and I max out daily in each program). Although I initially meant for it to be a test and to go back to Google, Yahoo users so far seem to be a better fit for my services.

    I had a miserable time setting up my Yahoo account though - it is not as user friendly as Google. I also really liked that Google sent reports to me daily by e-mail, but I have to log into my Yahoo account for reports. And Google let me pay for all my clicks at once at the end of the month, which was very convenient, while Yahoo takes a pre-set amount of money and holds it. I still have no idea how I'll get a refund of unused funds should I ever close my Yahoo account.

    Hope my experience is helpful.
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    Hi Jerome,

    Well, I would not go for Yahoo so far. I am not sure if the far will not become 'ever' ever. AdWords are ok, but don't you feel like some vacuum money cleaner has stuck on you?

    Internet Marketing campaign is good with a smart complex approach. You relly have to check all your opportunities, you either can get the same response for less or get more for the money you spend.

    I personally don't believe in pay per click, unless you've got a lot of money which you don't know how to spend.

    Good luck with this one!

  • Posted by MANSING on Member
    Hi Jerome

    I would like to request to click on the following website to get right answer.


    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor

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