
Topic: Website Critique

Visitors But No Sales - What Am I Missing?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Once again I turn to the experts. I am getting fairly good traffic to my website and am starting to show up in the search engines but dispite that, I haven't made many sales on the site.

This site mirrors my ebay site which does very well and I have links on eBay to my off-ebay site. I even have better prices on my .com site, still - nada.

My adwords campaign is bringing in good traffic to my store section selling toy dinosaurs. Google "toy Dinosaurs " and I'm usually 6 or seven on the sponsored links.

Please take a look (particularly at the page selling Dinosaurs) and let me know what you think I'm missing.

I have to think that there is something that visitors are seeing that's turniong them off that I'm too close to the project to see. Thanks for your help.

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  • Posted on Author
    Ok, I love the feedback. Trying not to take it too personal but it is helpful and thank you. Now,

    Links not working - yep. missed that and will fix tomorrow.

    Shopping cart- love too but would rather not make a 2 -3 year committment to a merchant account to process the credit cards. Looked into Yahoo stores but don't see the advantage since you have to have a merchant account anyway.

    Why is the paypal not a valid means of processing the orders? I'm not crazy about PayPal but you can't beat the simplicity and no long term commitment.

    Someone said they couldn't tell what I was selling based on the index page. you mean the "Are you looking for dinosaur toys " was somehow ambiguous?

    Identity. No clear logo? WHAT? I'd have to say I disagree with that one.

    HTML and Front page, I doubt many of my customers are looking at the code to determine if they want to buy, but I'll think about it.

    Now, the big one. Several have said it looks unprofessional. OK. I asked for opinions that that's valuable feedback. But, can you tell me what specifically makes you feel it looks unprofessional? I really would like to know.

    I would very much appreciate your responses to these points and am very greatful for your input.
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    Hey, Gary,

    Well, you didn't improve much.
    I believe you need a professional to recreate your site from scratch, I can't add anymore to what I wrote the first time.

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by Tatyiana on Accepted
    Hi gary:

    I think your best bet is to have a professional that is an expert in e-commerce to redesign your site. Selling online is an art. Your investment will be paid in no time with the increase in sales. Ebay are experts in e-commerce which is why you are getting a better pull from your ebay site.

    There are some areas that you can home grow but there are others that are better left to the experts.
    You have to decide if selling on your own website is somethig you are committed to for the long term or just dabbling in it. If you are committed to making it work - give yourself the tools that will make you successful. if you are just dabbling, take the advice of the above responses and start to make improvements.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I believe your site is a sound one. I personally think paypal as the only payment option looks a little bit "small potatoes".. but hey you aren't selling medical devices.

    You are selling a very small slice of the Toy business. How many dinosaurs are sold everyday in america?
    How many are sold on line vs. as a cheap compulse item in a store?

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