
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Should I Decide Upon My Usp

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
we are a software company into application management and custom development for US and UK companies , and only into healthcare and retail sector. now as every other company talks about same features and offereing like security, IPR, Infrastructure, human intellect, knowledge mgmt, it become very difficult to differentiate your company from others. kindly tell me how to build your USP?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I agree that the USP doesn't apply in your industry - I can't count how many times people in the software development industry have told me, "We're different from everyone else because..." - and then they tell me the same exact thing the last five have told me.

    Here's something that works: look at your very recent experience, find some specific project you have done, and get on the phone and call 20 folk in the same industry and tell them about it. If you can position yourself in the minds of your prospects as expert in their industry and the related technologies, and if you follow up over time, this might get you some appointments.

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