
Topic: Customer Behavior

How To Maintain The Existing Customer

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
existing customer became less buying from us, need to be advised. How to get more customer. We're electrical n industry company.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Ask the customer why they decreased. It may not be you, it may be their financial problems, or new ordering guidelines.

    How to get more customers? Analysis you market, identify and focus on your targets, use effective ammo (promotions, brand name products, etc), take aim and fire away your presence and oppotunity via ads, direct mail, email, TV, Radio, etc.

    There are all kinds of ways to drum up business. The most effective are custom tailored. If I can get more info about your company, I would be glad to assist you.

    Please send me an email so we can discuss options. Just clck on my name to see my contact info.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    if not...Good Luck!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi alex,

    A complex problem, which is why Jett mentions custom tailoring (I suggest you take him up on his offer and contact him) but as kwinters mentions you still need to ask your customers why they are buying less.

    This could be a combination of in-person, telephone, or use an online survey program like Zoomerang, regardless of any or all methods, just doing it will provide you with wonderful insight, then you can move to the new strategy phase.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member
    You will need to research and ask the customers. Maybe they had a bad Service experience, they have a new provider, they don't need you anymore, they have other priorities, or like Jett said "they have less money", Which is the truth? The only way is to ask and not suppose.

    You could increase the communication activities with your customers (email, direct mail, phone, face to face) to be in touch with them, review the competence products, the changes in the environment and customers habits, develop new services, and some promotions campaigns. But only after you research the real facts.

    Remember, "you will need to involve the customer feelings if you want to develop their relations" How to do it? With customer knowledge, care, regular contact, better experiences, and focus in their really objectives of life.


    Juan Carlos

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