
Topic: Advertising/PR

Small Pr Firm Looking For Small Companies To Represent

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am the principal of a small PR Firm -- I currently have 5 clients I represent and am looking to expand my business. I know that there are many small companies that need PR service but cannot afford the big PR firms as they are very expensive. My clients ae very satisfied with the media exposure they receive and I have fantastic references. My dilemma now is how to find and contact the smaller firms that exist nationwide. I thought by posting this I might find some of those firms that are hunting for the perfect PR firm to represent them.
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  • Posted by williamarruda on Member
    It really depends on your target audience. For what kinds of firms/products are you providing PR support?

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I agree with the others, referrals are the best way to grow any professional services firm. The question is "how to accelerate referral growth". One way that has worked for me is to identify "referral agents" outside of my client base -- e.g., vendors, other business relationships (your banker) etc. Another referral agent target might be corporate design firms, website developers, any boutique firm that doesn't offer PR services themselves. It could be to their advantage to introduce a great PR firm to an existing client.

    Good luck
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Referrals are great, but don't sit around and wait for them.

    I would join the local chamber of commerce and get a list of your targets. Then, do what you do best: PR...only this time for YOU.

    Along with online networking, join sites that list new companies in your arena. For example, I market a lot of toys and software, so i know where all the new toys and software are located and send them letters. I market myself. This helped me acquire 8 clients in 6 months.

    Anyway, I am intrigued by the bait you are dangling...I think I will nibble! Please send me an email describing your services in more detail.

    Thank You and Good Luck!

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