
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ideas For Advertising Novelty Candy To Women

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm working with a women's candy company to promote humorous chocolates for Menopause, PMS, and Pregnancy. Targeting women hasn't been a problem... however, conversions has... We placed ads in a trendy women's newsletter, google adwords,,, and more... we've promoted the chocolates on an internet radio show for women and linked with various niche sites... however, are sales are staggering... any ideas... or advise?
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    You might consider a sales force to try to get retailers to pick up the item and distribute the product. The retailers will handle the merchandising of your product that way you can focus on bringing more retailers on board. I would also consider looking at the product packaging to decipher if it really is convincing enough to make your target market purchase.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    As far as I can tell, there is nothing special about your product except for some clever packaging. Not that there is anything WRONG with clever packaging... but to me, it screams "impulse purchase" and that's not going to happen online. Seems like you'll do better putting the product into point-of-sale displays where women are already buying other gifts for pms victims. Or maybe figure out a way that it can be an add-on buy on websites that are selling gifties (think Red Hat Gals?) to your targeted audience.

    A side note: I'm one of the increasing number of folks who use Firefox as a preferred browser, and your site is incomprehensible with Firefox. Fix that!

    Shelley ;]
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Ka,

    I liked your website and your products. Have you considered cross promotions with websites like etc? That should pull up online sales. Promote your product as birthday/ other occasion gifts between close girlfriends.

    Consider e-mailing to lists. Buy some good lists and mass mail. Cross Sell to some womyn credit card lists, bank account lists etc etc.

    Also,Do consider reading up.

    1. Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market by Lisa Johnson and Andrea Learned

    2. Marketing to Women: How to Understand, Reach, and Increase Your Share of the World's Largest Market Segment by Martha Barletta.

  • Posted by whimziequiltz on Accepted
    My ideas come from considering, as SRyan said, that chocolate is an impulse purchase and this is slowing your online sales - maybe you need the reason to purchase online more special.

    I was thinking about how M&M offers personalized m&m's online, but I'm not quite sure how this personalization would transfer to your online product. The ability to have the box say - "Karen - to help you cool down" or 'Chocolates for Lisa's Pregnancy" maybe?

    Another idea would be if you offered gift baskets online with the chocolate included instead of just the box of chocolate (personally, your prices seem a bit high for just a 10 oz box of chocolate, but I'd pay even more for a gift basket that had some presentation to it). A gift basket might make a nice shower gift or 50th birthday gift.

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