
Topic: Website Critique

Please Review My Site ...i Need Help

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Thanks in advance for your help. I want someone else besides me to review my site. I think it has to many words and graphics. What should I get rid of? I am a very small company and i need another set of eyes to view and review....
[inactive link removed]

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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Disclaimer -- What I write is not meant to offend you, but rather it should be taken as constructive criticism.

    Right away - I thought your business was a logistics company -- because of that stock shot of the semi on the top right hand corner of your site. I would get rid of that and re-enforce the site with images of what you sell which is scanners and scanning services.

    I would consider re-writing much of the content and perhaps format it in a way which looks more professional. Also, I am not a big fan of the frame design and background color-- looks kind of dated.

    Once you get into the scanner section of the sites -- the returning links are broken.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Whizzed quickly through the site, in essence I like it, and whilst like I said I haven't done a full 65 point audit on it, I'm fairly comfortable that it would score "Fair to Good", some areas you need to look at are:

    Remove the bold font from most of the homepage.

    Move the "PaperWise" logo or make it smaller than your own business logo

    Add a tag to your Logo to help people go home.

    Check the width of the pages ( has horizonal scoll bars and shouldn't).

    Why can you add prices to the pages (example, I can't imagine many customers bothering to click on the link.

    A rewording of "Get Prices" to "See What You Could Save" may improve response rates.

    Interesting that also on, your top Nav Bar links don't work.

    I hope this helps, if you want a more formal 65 point healthcheck on usability then feel free to get in touch.

    All the Best

  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Well ... you have a lot of good feedback here.

    To me, it looks like maybe at one point, you had a web designer who created your site with a MS product (mistake #1) but then after the designer left, then you (or whoever) updated the site, and in the process of the updating, things were moved, changed, adjusted and ... messed up.

    This is actually quite a common predicament for people who really want to update their pages themselves but either the template wasn't created simply enough for that to happen, or whoever was updating didn't really know the ropes and just jumped in there.

    In addition to the content issues mentioned above, you have a lot of inconsistencies and HTML errors that are really almost too numerous to mention. Your coding is also riddled with extra tags that will make it cumbersome for a search engine robot to grab the important content. ...

    In actuality, the overall design (the look) really isn't too bad (sans the truck, ay?), but when there are so many errors, for a web developer, it is almost an easier choice to start from scratch than to try to fix someone else's boo-boos.

    You stick to it, and really pay attention to those details and it will be worth it, you will have a nice site to show for it. Do, do, do really take to heart the tips that these posters have posted, and you can make a difference with your site.

    Best Wishes, and Good Luck!

    XPRT Creative

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