
Topic: Advertising/PR

Building Awareness Thru Direct Mail

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi everybody,

I am again seeking your expert advice. I am planning on an awareness campaign thru direct mail to prospects for our handyman services, for new housing estate. My question is: What mail piece would be best to use 3 piece, 4 piece or 5 piece. Secondly how do I come up with what to write in each piece. I'm thinking of using personal letters. Hope my question is clear,

Thanks in advance,

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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted

    If awareness is all you are after -- send out a flyer letting the prospects know who you are and what services you offer.

    However, if you want to drum up some business as well as create awareness -- make the second half of the letter a coupon that expires in 1 month's time with a discount for your services.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I would say,
    first- dont take the norm as what you should do. The number of mailings that you send out must be based on relevance.
    Second- do some research. Know who your customers are, what your competitors are doing and so forth.
    You need to think about what concerns a prospect would have... are you reliable, safe, convenient,reasonably priced?
    Most importnantly if you want to stand out you need to develop a personal relationship with your customers. Find out your prospects names, have a clear brand proposition and call to action which differs from your competitors. A coupon is a good idea.

    Letters are ok but write good copy! Sweet and to the point. You have to find a way to make people want to open the letter too.

    Finally measure your results. Know how many people have contacted the company as a result of receiving your mailer. That way you know how effective your communications are. Segment your market into those that are suspects, those that responded to your first mailer etc then you can tailor specific communications to each of them.

    Good luck!

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