
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promoting Hr Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi guys,

I'm about to start working as a Marketing Specialist for a HR agency in my country. This industry is new to me so I'd like to ask you for any good marketing resources related to HR.

Also - I'd really like to add a blog to their existing site but I'm not sure how their clients and candidates will react to it . What do you think?

Many thanks for your help,
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    In addition to what Henri said -- check out a book on services dominated marketing logic. This will help you better understand the marketing of services.

  • Posted on Member
    Hi Maggie:

    If your HR agency does article marketing, they will capture prospects, increase web traffic, brand themselves on the Web, and improve their SEO. Your HR agency, should submit a 500-750 word article to the top article directories, websites and ezines.

    I've helped many HR professionals like Gayle Lantz, get their articles published on sites like,,, and
    and many, many other sites.

    If you want more information, check out the link in my profile

    Good Luck
    Eric Gruber
    Director of Operations
    PR LEADS Article Marketing Service
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