
Topic: Branding

Brand Relationship Architecture

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

Need to know what is meant by BRAND RELATIONSHIP ARCHITECTURE..How are "House of Brands,"Endorsed Brand",Sub Brands under a Master Brand" and "A Branded House" different from each other..Kindly Elaborate with relevant examples...

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    This sounds like a homework question and should be under the student category as was your previous question. Please see the "Important Guidelines" - in particular, #5.

    We will not do your homework for you. These are terms you will find in your text book or by doing some research in the library. After you have completed some research and know the definitions and have some examples you have found, if you have some questions, please share your thoughts and we'd be glad to comment and try to explain.


  • Posted on Author
    This isint a "homework"question..I came across these terms in a book called Brand Leadership written by David Aaker..I have recently started off with my marketing and advertising programme.I tried to search for these topics on the internet but they have confused me even more..
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
  • Posted on Author
    BARQ,AndrewS thanks a tonne

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