
Topic: Website Critique

Posting Press On Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Not really website critique but a website related question.

My organization has been getting a lot of press lately in the local and national papers. We have each of the stories in .pdf format and would like to add links to them on our website.

Do we need any sort of permissions to do this or is it enough to site the reporter, newpaper and print date.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I agree with John, officially the newspaper owns the story.
    Also, DO NOT add it to your website as a PDF, instead, rewrite it as pure text (HTML) so search engines can index it and give you a greater chance of being found on the internet.

    You could also go one step further and send it to other online news outlets to get a wider audience.

    black and white marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    You do need to get permission to reprint from the publication. Each publication has their own requirements and may or may not charge for reprint permission (or insist you buy theirs). If you can link to their site, that's the least hassle. Great work on getting all the good press!
  • Posted on Member
    It is best to get the relevant permissions - and better yet to link to the archived page from the source if available (more links, even if they're outbound), but most people post a re-formatted PDF with a credit for where the news appeared.

    Permission would make it legal to post the masthead, front cover title art, or whatever to show that your news ran in a legit publication.

    Citing source is usually good enough .

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