
Topic: Advertising/PR

Local Cable Drtv Test Run

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am planning on purchasing a small 30 second drtv test run on Cox Omaha from the overnight hours of 12am-6am. We are running on the top tier cable channels (USA, TNT, TBS, ESPN...) They have about 200,000 subs.

Is there anyway of knowing approximately how many viewers will see my ad at those hours? We would like to get an idea of what our CPM is going into the campaign. Our rough (rough) estimates put us at about 200-400 viewers per spot.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    This is a question you need to ask Cox Omaha or the channels themselves.

    BUT more IMPORTANT that the number of viewers are the number of viewers that would be tempted to BUY from you.

    So get a clear idea of your perfect customers.

    Family Status etc

    Whatever your criteria may be, then ask the channels to segment their market based on your "perfect customer" segmentation or if this is impossible to do, make a VERY GOOD informed analysis (guess).

  • Posted on Accepted
    You are targetting the gravyard session. 30 seconds spots in the middle of the night will work with your target segment? I assume this is first experience with media buying for this slot?
    Maybe you should split your media budget and advertise half of it on this segment segment and the rest on maintime media. Do not put in all your money here.
    You are counting the number of people who see your ad and CPM...maybe a more correct measure will be the frame of mind your target segment watches your ads and thus recall- TOM or otherwise.
    Ask Cox to share demographic data on this time slot and then decide.
  • Posted by Stephen Denny on Accepted
    Above comment is correct -- the media buyer (or seller) has this info at their fingertips, so ask them.

    Next question to you is, why are you doing this? The graveyard shift is usually the home of infomercials and other assorted 'bits and pieces' that play there because of lack of funding.

    Use this money and try something online. Your company name suggests you're looking for 'young and urban', so why not targe MySpace or something similar specific to Omaha? Even try something on local radio (you can often get the online component as "merchandising" with a buy on the station -- if you go this route, go for live reads by the DJ, not canned; they work better).

    Good luck... use your money wisely, set great data traps, and make sure you learn something.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Just to repeat and check for understanding, data is everything, draw up a spreadsheet, in the columns add the following headings:

    Viewers / Cost / CPM / Propensity to Spend / True CPM

    Then fill in the detail, the propensity to spend may be a guesstimate, say 1% of all viewers who are watching at this time may want to buy from you, this gives you a true CPM to you (not what Cox say it is).

    Repeat this for different media, so your Cox channels, local press, radio etc, and see what the difference is, and what gives the best "True CPM".

    I've helped many businesses save LOADS fo money by looking at their media spend in this way, it could save you too!

    Good Luck


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