
Topic: Website Critique

Improving International Presence On Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have been asked to review at our website for ideas to give it a more international presence. In addition to offering content in other languages, what are some other ideas of what I could do to communicate a) that we have a global presence and b) to convince an international customer - primarily European, but also soon China - to do business with us?

Keep in mind that we will be working with resellers to handle our international sales. I realize that our contact us page would need to be revamped to include our international resellers up front. Perhaps a hyperlinked image of a global map...

The website is We sell business to business secure communication software, mainly used for supplier to manufacturer connections.

Any ideas, suggestions or resources are appreciated.

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  • Posted on Member
    hello there, you need to have international marketing strategies, Phillip Kotler is an expert in that field. Basically you should pepare a mktg plan that has a wider target market scope and demographics. Because ou are into "convincing people then your site first of all should exude an emotional appeal.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    your site is very well constructed and well laid out. The addition of the ability to select the native language would be the best bet.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Frank's suggestion is a good one. This can do one of two things - it can either translate the existing site or pop you to a specific internationally run page (for example, take you to the site managed by your China division).

    But there are other options, especially if by presence you meant showing you have a footprint in these other areas.

    One option is to use the four top left menu areas on your home page, and add a geography selection within each. So if I am from China, when I click products, i see i can click China (or Asia) and then I am presented a menu of products that are tailored to the Chinese market. These might be 80% of the same products in the US - who cares? - the point is to show you are catering to specific needs. This of course means you need to create a lot of careful linking and/or new product pages as needed. *** If nothing else, I would definitely do this for the "partners" selection box. ***

    Another option is to add a fifth menu there that says "Geography." As with the above, you need to figure out if this then takes them to a new site/sitelet, or to a page that at least has the pertinent links to the existing site content (the former is preferable, but of course a lot of work depending on how much new content needs to be built).

    Finally, I would populate other areas of the site with "international" items. For example, in the "News" section, how about a press release about you opening an office in China? etc etc

    One last comment - your site is unbelievably product centric. That makes it really difficult to suggest significant changes. But this might be a good time to rethink how it is your site positions you to prospects and customers.

    Hope this was helpful.
  • Posted by jpoyer on Member
    I recommend when you implement the option to choose the native language, as Frank suggested (which I think you really need to do), that you do not simply translate it, but that you also re-write/adjust the text as needed to apply to that specific target audience. A common way to offer translated items is with the flag icons of specific countries ...

    Hope this helps,

    XPRT Creative
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks eveyone for your suggestions. The comment about being product centric is interesting. I will keep that in mind as we do updates to the site.

    If anyone has any firms you highly recommend for translation, please let me know.

    Thanks again-

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