
Topic: Advertising/PR

5th Anniversary For Social Housing / Energy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello all, I need some ideas on what our company can do for the 5th year anniversary. We are planning to invite all stakeholders with ideas such as golf tournament and dinner party.

We are a social housing company that offers services to all social housing providers in Ontario. Our major marketing/branding right now is our energy conservation related program - which helps social houses retrofit their building to become energy conservative - and our message is to promote energy savings and be a difference in conquering global warming and be environmental friendly.

I am thinking of an art / photo gallery charity event with reception. The photo/art will be submited and donate by people in the social housing industry and tenants. it will be displayed and be voted on the best ones. People can purchase the photos/art and all money goes to charity.
Any ideas for this event? or other events?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I'd call the event "High Five"

    Encourage residents to submit photos of themselves and neighbors giving each other a "High Five" You could get some really cool stuff.

    Organize a High Five photo shoot where residents can come and use a digital camera for free. then you have all the pics and you can have awards for the best ones.

    Not only show the pics in frames but create a heart warming slide show of the pics.

    Solicit a local Photographer or digital sign printer to print your pics for free or for less in exchange for publicity.

    Get Golfers involved and get pics of them High Fiving and include them in the art show.

  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Dear Nissin67,

    For the 5th Housing Anniversary you have to be very specific in Housing area and people like and dislike. As you are going for energy conservation related program you have to use this subject to attract there interest from the entrance door.

    The area is very interesting and I support your idea. I am sure your entire tenant, staff, Freeholder, leaseholder and other agencies will support global warming and be environmental friendly house.

    You should display all the importance of environmental friendly house and how it is affecting our daily life. You should provide information green life/eco friendly. You need to show them importance of Nature in our life and how we can contribute to our nation. Invite energy saving organisation for next day – news headline.

    Drama, Photo session, displays, Art – Recycle and the food is also a key to the party’s success so you should plan to make your menu really special.

    What do you think about “5th Eco- Friendly Housing Anniversary?” or Heats up the night?

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor

    Web Site:


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