
Topic: Advertising/PR

I Have No Experience. Where Is The Best Place To Start?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have no experience. Where is the best place to start?
I am working for a company in Portland, OR that provides services to the elderly. We have an excellent customer base but we need more "new customers". One of the ways that we want to get customers is through referrals from Doctor's Offices. How and Where do I start?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    To get referrals from doctors, you need to be able to articulate the benefit TO THE DOCTORS of what you have to offer.

    Take a look at how pharma companies market, and you'll get an idea of the type of things which are dojne. They use referral fees, samples, taking the cotors on trips, etc. Of course, they are large and well funded. Those may not be strategies that would work for you.

    Your benefit to the doctors could be as simple as just providing a service for their patients, but in that case you need to be able to say why your service is better.

    Once you know what the benefit is to the doctors, then you can find thew ay to articulate that.

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