
Topic: Advertising/PR

Meassuring The Effectiveness Of Promo. Campaign

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
What is the best way to meassure the effectiveness (including financial returns, ROI and etc) of a promotional campaign including advertising (any media), pr (article or full pr campaign), competition, point of sale, merchandise, sponsorship and etc.?

Many thanks to all...
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  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Encode each marketing effort so you can attibute each lead and sale back to the originating source.

    Keep records for each marketing campaign, including the cost of media, delivery and distribution.

    Train your staff or create a system that can capture the sales dollars generated by every marketing method and campaign.

    Record all the above in a record keeping book (complete with a copy or sample of the ad message) in a binder.

    When I was running my drycleaning business, I would have my staff write the after discount dollar amount on the back of each coupon redeemed, and slip the reddemed coupons on a drawer. Every weekend, I would take all the redeemed coupons and sort them. I would add up the sales dollars generated and write them in my marketing tracking book. As each campaign ended, I would run a final analysis and right up a summary of how each campaign performed. Over years, I had built a kick butt file of working marketing programs complete with data that I could make future decisions with, or compare new campaigns to.

    Hope this helps you.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    There are basically two different ways to measure promotion effectiveness in the non-electronic world: (1) through a test/control situation, where you don't do exactly the same thing in all markets at the same time, so you have a legitimate with/without comparison; and (2) by establishing a valid trend of sales and projecting theoretical sales, and then comparing actual to projected.

    The best way to really measure effectiveness is to do both, but that's rarely possible. Further, there's a real cost to measuring promotion effectiveness, so you need to be sure the value of having the information is greater than the cost of measurement. Many times it isn't.

    The whole business of analytics was born (in consumer packaged goods) to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of promotion and advertising campaigns. The techniques are well established and defined. The problem is that they're not cheap, so you need to be sure they make sense in your situation.

    Of course, if your marketing campaign is mostly click-throughs and based on page visits/Internet-as-the-primary-medium, there are specific tools for measuring that. The "old rules" are obsolete.
  • Posted on Author
    I see this is the question that not many experts are willing to address. I wonder why? :) :)

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi there

    great posts from Micheal and others.

    usually for Advertising/promotional Campaign Performance, RESULTS = ROI + REVENUE

    here is, IMHO, some of the ways to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaign in a simple way

    #1. sales and profit generated by the campaign against the cost of the campaign.

    #2. the ratio of Increment in sales and the advertising expenses for the campaign.

    #3. the ratio of profit from and the cost of the campaign compared to the same ratio of before the campaign.

    #4 Brand awareness (TOM and Probed) of your brand after the campaign as opposed to before the campaign.

    #5 the Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) before and after the campaign

    #6 Share of Mind (SoM) Index before and after the campaign.

    #7 Correct Branding Study, which measures whether the consumers can relate your advertising (of any and all medium) with the brand and promotion.

    Usually this type of effectiveness is done combined for all medium (ATL and BTL).

    you can also check the following links of answers of similar question asked in this forum.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart :)


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