
Topic: Advertising/PR

Referral Needed To Telemarketing Agencies...

Posted by telemoxie on 1000 Points
Have you worked with telemarketing firms which you can recommend?

I'm a one man shop: a sales guy with 20+ years technical sales experience who tries to make a living cold calling and selling part time for technical companies.

In many cases, I'm contacted by folks who have larger, more traditional needs for telemarketing and appointment setting. Often, these folks ask me for referrals to larger telemarketing firms. (My preferred clients are small firms who want ongoing programs, between 10 and 25 hours per month.)

I'd like to have some names of reputable firms I can refer some of these larger, more traditional telemarketing projects to. (You never know - they might send some of the smaller projects my way).

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  • Posted by TenaciousMarketer on Member
    This company may not be exactly what you're looking for, but they're a great resource to keep in mind.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Thanks, Maria - looks like these folks do both inbound and outbound... but have you used these guys for telemarketing projects? We can find hundreds (or thousands) of agencies with Google searches and other internet resources... but I'm most interested in folks who you have worked with and recommend.

    Let's be careful not to set the bar too high here. It is my opinion that the vast majority of telemarketing projects do NOT meet expectations (and that is a good thing, otherwise your phone would be ringing much more frequently).

    I'm not looking for folks who meet and exceed unrealistic expectations - just telemarketing agencies you have worked with, and can recommend, who have been professional and competant. Thanks.

    p.s. I'm in the US.
  • Posted by TenaciousMarketer on Accepted
    Actually, I worked on an advertising campaign for CallSource about four or five years ago when I was at an agency. I feel confident that they are a reputable company.

    As far as actually working with them on a telemarketing project, no I haven't. I do realize that anyone can go online and do a Google search, but that's not the case here. Just wanted to share a resource that I was familiar with.
  • Posted on Accepted
    This is not the answer to your specific question but given that your clients have larger & traditional needs of calling & appointment setting- have you thought of offshore outsourcing organizations as options?

    With outsourcing big business now- there are a huge number of Indian call centres which cater to US based SME's at great efficiencies. It operates on the same number of seat costing and works out well. These are not the captive GE, Convergys, AmEx- but specific SME catering ones. Competition has made them very efficient with dialers, lead mgmt software and TAT bound reporting.
  • Posted by bijlani.ritesh on Member
    Hi ,

    If i have got you right you mean to say that you have some good technical projects which you want to refer to the companies.Firstly i would like to know what kind of technical processes do you have ? what's the time frame of the project ? Whats an estimated billable rate per hour ? Its not necessary that you should give out the exact figures but an approximate because i have worked with couple of MNC'S in different market verticals and after filtering i can provide you couple of good references where you can contact and pursue your discussion from there.

  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I've used Access Telemarketing before, and been satisfied. I used them for fairly small projects, though (calling under 10,000 contacts), so I can't vouch for their performance on large projects. When I used them, I was happy with the reporting they provied.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'd like to put in a word for a very professional telemarketing company that has served my business well for several years. Dave Krehbiel (301) 570-3220. He is expensive and worth every penny.

    Mike Weiner
    The Image Generators, Inc.
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Moderator
    Hi there, jebeuoy. Thanks for reading our guidelines!

    To clarify, it's not a problem to reply as you did when the Asker is looking for referrals like this. Unsolicited self-promotion that's unrelated to the discussion at hand is what members don't want to see here.

  • Posted on Member
    You should try

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