
Topic: Customer Behavior

Why, When And Who Wears A Polo Shirt?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I am currently working on advertising campaign for our Polo Shirt brand. Need to know who are my target audience? The question is so simple.

Please list:

Who wears a Polo Shirt, why and when?

Thank you,

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  • Posted on Member
    I think it would be easier, and more beneficial, for you to pose this question to your friends, people at work, people in the street, shoppers in department stores, students, sportsmen, professionals and etc. Go out and ask them, ask them if and when and why they wear polo shirt or if they would like to wear one, why and where?
    We can list down categories of people who wear them but this would not be conclusive. Perhaps some people would like to wear them but they dont for one or the other reason, perhaps they can't afford them, perhaps they have some misperveived notions about polo shirts. Can you change someone's opinion, perception and etc.?
    I dont think polo shirts are used only in sports. There are lot of casual CEO's who wear polo shirts at work or on a casual day out. Of course it is a premium designer brand but its still a polo shirt.
    Some people may wear them exclusively at certain kind of events and some may wear them all the time.
    You can get dozens of opinions here on this forum, but hundreds, more conclusive and detailed ones, if you go out and talk to people.
    My perception is that polo shirts are worn by anyone who is not overly trendy, prefers casual, elegant and classic style, men or women of any age.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    Where (geographically) are you intending to run this advertising campaign?

    Your profile gives no clue about which country you work in.

    I don't think Polo shirts are limited to young men. But in Australia it would be rare to wear one to work. Unless you are a waiter, or a pro golfer, perhaps.

    I wear a polo shirt with jeans when I want to dress up more than a t-shirt, but not as dressy as a long-sleeved shirt. I wear polos with shorts in Summer when it's hot.

    I guess they are interchangeable with t-shirts, when you want to look a bit dressier. The collar lends a little bit of formality. I probably have 8-10 polo shirts...

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Based on my personal observations rather than a scientific study...
    The polo brand is worn by primarily white, upper middle class, ages 35-55. It would seem to me that a messurable percentage of the business carries a second company logo. Clothing provided with the Polo brand is considered to be a step above other brands, so often Polo brand shirts are aimed at executives while lesser (and cheaper) brands are provided to low end workers.
  • Posted on Member
    You are saying that your target markets are USA, Europe, Canda and Australia...all of which are already over crowded with polo like shirts. In fact it has become almost impossible to differentiate between a Ralph Lauren Polo and fake ones. Not to mention other European and American brands which sell similar style of shirts. How do you plan to enter these markets without a brand? What is your competitive advantage? You seem to know what you want to do but you are stuggling with segmenting your market. Shouldnt have this been one of the first things to do? Have you done a research which says that there is a gap in these market for another polo like shirt brand? If your advertising campaign is targeted at these markets then I would suggest you hire an international advertising agency, that also acts locally, to consult you on what should be the focus of your campaign.
  • Posted by tdbill on Accepted
    As the business world (atleast in the USA) has moved to a more casual business environment, Polo shirts have become the staple of business casual attire. I would market directly towards the young professional. When it is warm you see many young men wearing Polo shirts to work. I live right next to the headquarters for a fortune 10 company. You see people in Polo shirts by the 1,000s.

    I would target that population for two reasons. First, many older men are still not comfortable wearing something that casual to work so go for the younger professional. Second, if you get acceptance from the younger crowd, you will have longer term customers.

    If you are looking to market them as promotional items, I would start with promotional companies. There are many companies that make their living embroidering shirts and other clothing. Try to get those companies to pick up your line of shirts for their catalog or promotions.

    If you want to sell them as uniforms, you need to have a corporate sales person and or catalog. You have to reach the businesses that use uniforms. For instance, I have talked with a business in town that sells their line of uniformed clothing into a major auto manufacturer. That gives them steady annual sales and allows them to go out and approach other companies.

    I hope I am of help.
  • Posted by charles.stannard on Member
    I have a ton of polos - 30's, white, urban, male - and I like them because they are safe and easy - and perfect for a business, casual workplace. All colors go with khaki pants.
  • Posted on Member
    Bingo! "Price" is the magic word here.

    Kashif! Two questions:

    1- are you targetting low end workers 'only'? If so, what is your price offering for them?

    2- Have you done research on your competitors? what competitive adavantage do you have over them?
    Is a competitive price your USP?

  • Posted by Ann Sheehy on Member
    Hi Kashif,

    In one company we developed a Service Team and gave them all very smart outfits including black polo shirts embroidered with their new logo. They looked terrific and we got press coverage by taking slick photos of the team. You could target all corporate wear companies with your advertising, HOWEVER, your website does not show one single polo shirt with a logo on it!!! Even one page says "see how good your logo can look" and two women are pictured wearing lovely polo shirts but there's no logo on them. You need to get examples - do up a few samples to demonstrate the quality of your stitching etc. and put these on your site. Also perhaps that would show ideas for the positioning of the logos. We put ours on the left breast and also on the short sleeve.

    By the way I'm European and would advise that Polo shirts are seen as acceptable casual day office wear as opposed to the average t-shirt.

    They are also worn by many sports people including yachting, hiking, fishing, hunting, and of course golf but I would suggest that many of these sports already have their preferred brands e.g. sailors have Musto, Henri Lloyd etc. I'm afraid you really need to do more research as these markets are well saturated. You also seriously need a USP. All other sportswear companies offer the compelling reasons why you buy their brand over someone else's.

  • Posted on Member
    If you are selling a polo shirt maybe the best market are companies. every year i have to buy a large volume of polo shirts for trade shows and to put corporate logos on. I get numerous catalogues full of polo shirts to put my logo on. Finding a quality shirt that is not see through for men has been quite a challenge.

    I find that most men i know who are fashionable do NOT wear polo shirts.

    good luck. sounds great.

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