
Topic: Website Critique

Java Me Specialists?

Posted by jpoyer on 500 Points
Really, this isn't a website critique question, but I thought it may be appropriate considering my inquiry.

Have any of you worked with anyone who has solid experience with coding Java on mobile platforms? We need a Java ME programmer for a new project. We need to find good candidates (will need to see prior work to see if they would qualify) soon. These people need to be highly qualified, pushing-the-envelope kind of thinkers. We want stay away from the online rentacoder type sites for this venture.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Regards,

Jennifer Poyer
XPRT Creative
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  • Posted by jpoyer on Author
    Randall, thank you for your quick reply. :) I don't think I really explained what I needed very well.

    We are really just looking for recommendations for programmers or tech companies that other marketers have worked with. Maybe I should have put this in the "other" category. ... you think?

    My intention for this question is to get recommendations or references from my mprofs colleagues who I have grown to respect and trust (to see who you all have worked with - if anyone in this regard) as a first step in searching for our studly programmer.

    A personal recommendation from you saying - oh, I have worked with this programmer, and she/he is really good - here's his contact information - is more what I was looking for.

    Hope this makes sense.


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