
Topic: Advertising/PR

Women Purchasing Online

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What types of products do women purchase online?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi deborahd64,

    Go to:

    and start clicking.

    That should help you out tremendously.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Yeah, I was about to say "everything they purchase offline", but is definately an excellent place to get a real good idea!

    Please don't award any points to me...Tim answered first...I just thought I would confirnm since I already started typing..LOL!!

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Here is some statistics for US women shoppers:

    Anmd here is one for Canadian women shoppers:

    And here is one for European shoppers:,2417,33388,00.swf

    None really say what products specifically are bought, but all talk about women versus men and online shopping habits.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Another twist . . . what I find really interesting are these "women's" info websites and newsletters like Daily Candy, which is advertising camouflaged as a daily "tidbit". Every now and then, they will send travel info or the popular "daily candy lexicon", but mostly it's advertising with great copywriting (and I mean grrrreat) and powerful sales potential. It's changing where women go online to do their shopping (not the usual Gap, but cool, hip, impress-your-friends "online stores" that you just can't get in Mississippi). And, it's doing for women's shopping what Oprah has done for reading and book clubs.

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