
Topic: Customer Behavior

Why Do Customers Buy From Us?

Posted by mcullen on 250 Points
I have a very simple question. How do I go about finding the answer to the question: why do customers buy from us?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi mcullen -

    I think you should first look at industry data available to you on the internet and see what can be gleaned there first. Why do consumers purchase from your industry? What problem are they looking to solve?

    You should then follow that up with primary research data, either through a survey or focus group. The methodology to be used is dependent upon what you know, what you learn from any secondary data that's available and the resources that you have at your disposal. You will want to make sure, though, in any research that you do, that your capture the responses of your target market. This will also drive the choice of methodology.

    If you want more specific help, I'd suggest you post more details about your category and your organization, or post a project so that an expert can give you more in-depth assistance.

    Good luck,
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would like to offer another perspective.

    "Why do customers buy from us?"

    You implication you need an answer to explain their behaviour----> "buy from us"

    If we argue it this way, we will be looking into Consumer behaviour. Man, that is a big but interesting topic. You have to read in depth.

    Awareness could be one factor. Personality also. Role in life too. The decision making cycle also affects us. And many more.

    For example, the mother actually makes most decision about what toothpaste , shampoo we use at home because the rest of the family leaves the decision to her. Then instead of focusing on the family, the toothpaste n shampoo company would focus on the mother because of her role in the decision cycle.

    Hope that helps!

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    How do you position yourself? What does your business stand for? Why would you choose your company vs your competitor. If you say, "good prices and service", think again. Customers expect good prices and service-- its not a differentiator. What measurable benefit do you provide to the customer that your competitor does not?

    Differentiate or Die is a good book on this.

    Hope that helps, Carol
    Sell Well and Prosper tm

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Mcullen,

    hope you're having a great day and a wonderful life.

    There are too many variables to really adequately explain why customers buy from us. They are as varied as the comments you have already obtained above but still the depth, the breadth and the width there of is enourmous, huge and still more GIGANTIC than you or I could ever ---IMAGINE---.

    Having officially ranked as one of the top 75 consultants in the nation who sold security systems at the #1 and #2 Security companies in the United States during the mid 90's up to the early 2000's (Securitylink From AMERITECH/SBC and ADT) at an 85% closing average at different times during my career for multiple months (and it has been documented so I'm not making this up! My reputation and the reputation of men and women who have endorsed me is way too important to do that)...I have found one of the variables reasons that was more constant than all the others and here is what it is:

    ***Customers primarily buy from us when we SERVE them***

    Now please don't believe a word I just said. Seriously. BUT don't get emotional and be all critical either...until you have gathered further information...observed, reflectd and recalled as many experiences as you can remember that were centered around the buying process. Think about it. Think about the moment when you've observed family, friends, associates, strangers and even yourself during the TRANSACTION process. The actual time that CASH money, a check or a credit card is about to complete the purchasing process.

    What has just happened? Why is the customer buying?

    That's where your answer exist. So now run like the wind to your nearest next Transaction that's about to take place and you'll see that customers buy from us when we MEET their NEEDS by SERVING them.

    If you can find a way to genuinely SERVE a customer or client than you my friend have just discovered one of the all time greatest SECRETS to "WHY CUSTOMERS BUY from us?! Thanks for asking such a wonderful question. You don’t have to give me any points at all because I participate for the love of the experience. I like making people happy. Now if there is anything I can do for you or anything I can do to make you happy please feel free to contact me. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help Steve. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted

    There are quite a few intriguing answers provided above by my colleagues, but let me provide you a much simpler and direct concept, much of which we offer in our selling seminars:

    Customers buy based on "desire" - this desire is either real or perceived by the buyer, real is is solution based, perceived it is emotionally based.

    This desire is based on 3 primary functions or behaviors:

    1-"I need"
    2-"I want"
    3-"I would like"

    The functions when relating to the marketing aspects take into account-the methodology every product or service is provided to the consumer's (buyer's) span of information:

    The seller/marketer provides:

    1- value proposition
    2- sales proposition
    3- marketing proposition

    All of these should be unique, most times they are not!

    The relationship of these 3 to the buyers "want, needs" or would like" create the atmosphere for a sale or purchase.

    Marketers like to sell, buyers like to purchase----proverbial "chicken or egg" theory -

    Hope these snip its provide a little different insight or though process -

    Good Luck & Happy Marketing ~ Bill
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Folks have written many books on this topic.

    Can you provide more information about your situation, and how we can help? The more details, the better. If you have a web site we can look at, that would be great. Thanks.

    Also, if you would respond to some of the folks who have given their opinions above, this will help us understand and respond to your needs.

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