
Topic: Customer Behavior

Best Crm Book

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the best CRM book out there?

In my line of work i am increasingly faced with practical problems in trying to design CRM solutions for a variety of consumer brands (FMCG, Luxury, Telecom etc)

Though i have an MBA it has not taught me much with respect to CRM. I also need some information on direct marketing.

What i need is a book which teaches me how to analyze a companies consumer groups and now to manage them using different methods. Also, how to increase retention and acquisition through different methodolgies and the reasons behind them.

Please help.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    hello emailcharlie:

    you are quite right that there are not many books on CRM and even the few are very theoretical and not very practical in terms of how to increase retention and acquisition rates.

    But there are a few useful websites related to CRM e.g. the CEO refresher, DM review and the wise marketer. the wise marketer in particular also publish journals called 'the loyalty guide' which you can order online.

    hope that helps
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Charlie

    I have to say that I don’t think that there is a single generic CRM book which I could recommend and that’s based on 15 years experience as a user and 10 years as a practitioner of what might (sometimes, if the customers will let me!) be called CRM.

    Admittedly in other subjects it is very different. If you needed a book on Economics, you’d read Lipsey; Physical Chemistry, Moore; Genetics, Hartel and Jones. The point is that they are all good generalist books and are safe recommendations. It becomes harder to recommend a general marketing text book, because they either divide into extremes of opinionation or spend 700 pages telling you how to sell breakfast cereal (With added diagrams!)

    CRM books tend to be written because someone has a product, usually a software package to sell and no matter how objective the authors attempt to be, they inevitably end up tailoring their CRM advice around the features and benefits of their own software as they have been paid to do.

    My advice would be to go to the CRMGuru site which has now been re-branded Customer Think (They both work, but what on earth Bob Thompson, the founder thought he was doing to the planet’s best known CRM brand, Lord only knows) There you will find a decent selection of writings on CRM as a practice and CRM as a software. The latter is often quite heavily disguised as being written by some nutter from SAP or Siebel or Oracle and so on. At least is honest enough to admit to the fact that they sponsor anything and everything that moves in the CRM sphere!

    That said, the most voted for book on CRM on Amazon is by Jill Dyche and is called “The CRM Handbook: A Guide to Customer Relationship Management” She is the founder of The Baseline Consulting Group and as she’s been involved in databases since they were written in Machine Code for Honeywell, her later associations with Oracle and other big CRM vendors appear to have left her remarkably uncoloured in her views. I’d go for that one and then download as many white papers as you can.

    Instructions: Purchase One lb of salt. Take a pinch, read white paper. Repeat!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions (Maximizer Business Partner) SalesVision (Forecasting and Sales Performance Management)
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Charlie

    I think that Bill has added a significant point about fitting the solution to the problem and it’s worth spending some time on it going into some detail of your objectives with a range of consultants. Maybe if you were to summarise them here or start a MarketingProfs project?

    It also seems we share the same reservations about white papers. With one exception though. I was sent one on Pipeline Management from Siebel / Oracle which espouses almost word for word what we at SalesVision have been trying to get over for a few years and which we have crystallised in SalesVision 6.0 this year. To this end, you might also add the Technology Evaluation Centre and IT Business Edge to your list of resources.

    That they appear to do 80% of what we do, but at ten times our cost is rather encouraging. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and at those prices; we are really flattered by this particular white paper!

    Steve Alker

    References: Siebel White Paper, Pipeline management -

    (Whoops, you'll have to copy and paste that link as I can't get it to come out automatically hyperlinked)

    You have to register to receive a 14 page PDF document.

    SalesVision Overview: or just read the above link substituting SalesVision for the originator’s name and taking out the Americanisms!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi emailcharlie,

    hope you're having a great day but more importantly a wonderful life.

    Stevea has more foundational experience with the subject and he is equally well grounded in the foundational principles and the sound gospel of CRM ideas. So please follow through with his recommendations for things to read. I have not read any CRM books but I have spent quite a few years following the subject.

    With that said and the fact that no one up to now has included a great online resouce that is probably one of the most useful for this subject. I've corresponded with the editor for the past couple of years and have found Gwynne Young to be sharp and very knowledgable.


    Read it and Weep or Click and Think! REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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