
Topic: Advertising/PR

Press Release Distribution, Need Some Advice.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our new press release has caught the attention of a few industry magazines and a few editorials will be published soon. A few is not enough! I need good advice for distributing our press release to media contacts. Also, if you can take a few minutes the adjusted version which requests an article to be written can be found at the following link
Any opinions would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I looked at your press release. It doesn't meet the 'standard' format for a press release. Yours is a letter, where a press release should look more like a modified memo. Check out for more tips and formatting info.

    Yours is also too long. get to the important stuff right away. Generally, try to limit to 1 page.

    On distribution, targetting is the way to go. Choose where to send it carefully. Then edit the text of the PR to talk specifically about how your product matches that media's reader's needs.

    That all said, also cast a wide net by posting it on a site like You never know where it will get picked up by, but this may only get you a few. PRWeb has tips on how to write a press release at I didn't recommend this tips first because the formatting tips only apply to their system (not to one you mail or email).
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I highly recommend reading this article by Jerry Fireman, then send him an email asking for help. He is a very nice guy and has always been very responsive.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by reneeshallis on Accepted
    I agree with the others in that this is, unfortunately, a link to a letter (looks like a sales letter) rather than a press release.

    Before you begin to write a press release, think about what news you have to offer. Your letter offers an inkling of some angles but I'm still not sure what your goal is. Think about the audience you ultimately want to attract -- large business, small business, consumer? Create a news angle -- 1 news angle -- that features your company as the expert behind it, whether that be a trend, a new service or product at your business, etc. Then write a 1-2 page release that succinctly and clearly relays that news without promotional language or self-puffery. The more facts and stats, the better.

    But you asked about distribution. The best thing to do is to think about your audience and then build a media list that best reflects that target.

    Are you a local or regional business? Stick to the media in your area.

    Are you interested in building credibility within your industry? Send a version specifically hitting trade publications in your industry.

    Send the release to the appropriate contacts in the format they prefer to receive it in. Journalists will tell you that they prefer to receive releases by mail, email or fax.

    Then, follow up the mailing with a quick follow-up phone call. You're starting to build a relationship with these media contacts -- make it quick and painless.

    Don't have a list of media contacts? You'll have to start researching them. You can purchase media directories from companies such as Bacon's or Burrelle's. Or, there are a few companies that allow you to build media lists and distribute releases online. My company eNR ( is one of them. There are a couple of others out there, too to consider such as MediaMap.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    MM, it's been a long time since I used, but you might check that out, too.

    - Shelley

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