
Topic: Career/Training

Copywriting/marketing Mentor Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I would like to find someone to help me with my business.

I am not talking about a generic course, but specific feed back and ideas directly related to what I am doing.

I would like-

-Emails about projects and advice
-Phone call at least once a month
-Help with organizing marketing campaigns
-Someone to make sure I am following through

Someone who can work with a localized small business with a hearty area of prospects. Someone creative and experienced in EFFECTIVE advertising.

Aggressiveness is a plus

Yes, I'll pay (I have one guy in mind that is $500 a month)


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  • Posted by ilan on Member
    O.K. Call me.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Per my prior post when you were looking for a coach, some of the major benefits of such a program would be the accountability, and the time you spend planning, and the esprit de corps...

    I feel you need more than a phone call per month - I think a one hour conference call once a week (e.g. Monday AM) with other business owners would be a more appropriate commitment.

    I'm planning to meet with a buddy of mine this next Monday at 8:00 AM Eastern (time is flexible) for this very purpose... and maybe the three of us (along with any other small business owner reading this who feels they could benefit) could be the nucleus of a weekly CEO accountability conference call.

    If you have interest in pursuing this, click my profile, send me an email or give me a call.

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