
Topic: Advertising/PR

Where Do I Start.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I'm a senior at a small private college. The only thing that is holding me back from receiving my degree is an internship. My major is Bus. Management, although i was really turned on to advertising while taking and advertising and marketing class last semester. Now I'm not very qualified in the field, but it is something i would like to make a career out of. My problem is, I haven't found an employer who wants an intern who "wants to know everything." They all want someone who specializes in a certain dept. That's where my problem comes in. I dont know where to start. I did some research on different positions at advertising agencies and i think i would like one day to work up to an account manager position. But i know everybody needs to start somewhere. I am willing to do an unpaid internship to learn more about the business and also prove my motivation to learn, actually that's one of the reasons I joined this site, as well as a couple others. Can anybody help give me an idea where i should start/apply for.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    If you want to do some work from the bottom, learn everything and are not concerned about $$-- go to nonprofit. They are always in the midst of a fundraiser and need help as you describe. You will also get a chance to meet corporate types (sponsors) and you will build contacts to a paying job.

    I have been associated with many nonprofits, board level-- and its been wonderful for my business. You will get a chance to shine.

    Good Luck, Carol
    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I could greatly benefit from an intern... and since I provide marketing services for a dozen or so small clients, there is plenty of work to do, and plenty to learn. Check out my profile, check out my web page, give me a ring or send an email.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Carol offers some good advice in that you won't get rich at a nonprofit, but will be given the opportunity to do as much as you want.

    Carefully consider your desire to work at an agency though. If you look at a lot of the agencies out there, they were started by someone who just got so frustrated at an agency they couldn't take it anymore and just went out on their own.

    Agencies can be real pressure cookers (clients never plan ahead and always want things yesterday) which is exacerbated by those cases where there is a micromanaging divaesque creative director, or a lot of strong personalities with unaligned agendas.

    Also, since you are young and just starting out you might want to think more about starting a little broader in marketing or PR, in which you can get involved in advertising, but not have it be the sole focus of your job.

    I also don't know what your personality is like, but advertising/creative services is a very creative and personal process and you have to be prepared to have a client tell you that idea you spent a week working on just plain sucks -- try again -- without having it crush you.

    Also an 'account manager' is usually not as sexy as it sounds. Depending on how the agency is structured, you spend most of your life acting as a traffic cop between the client and the creative department. In some cases you may have little or no say about the creative process

    I have always been 'in-house' PR and marketing so speak secondhand from conversations with friends and colleagues who used to work at agencies -- but their stories all have the same elements.

    Good luck!


  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all so much for your imput. I still feel im going to be trying in the advertising feild, but instead of narrowing my way to get there, I am going to widen my perspective on how to get where i want, by not just looking for ad agencys, but also in marketing and PR. Also thank you for the NPO idea, that would help me a great deal. As for the people who told me of intern oppertunitys, thank you so much, but I really want to stay in the Chicago land area. Once agian, thank you all so much for all your insight.


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