
Topic: Website Critique

Updated Website

Posted by NatashaChernavska on 500 Points
My dear friends!

A while ago I have already posted a question about my project for Custom Web Design Original question may be found here:

I have received lots of great suggestions from you. I worked hard to update the project and would appreciate if you have a look and tell me how well I did.

What I did:

- I made links to pages currently being visited unavailable and put headers where it's possible.
- I added own photography sections without redirecting to another site and organized slide shows. - I added About me to the top menu, even though I had to recode the header, but it was worth it.
- I rearranged copy on the first page, made it more "scannable". Moved some "describtional" copy about my artistic approach to About me section.
- I created an Articles subsection in a Website Design section and already have two articles on usability featured in it. I also added link to it to the bottom menu.
- I added some pricing, call to action where I could.
- I edited keywords a little bit

I know about arts section and redirection to another site, but for now it will be this way. At least until I have my own online store.

What would you think can make this project as good as it can be? I am trying hard.

I would also like your opinion on the articles featured in Website design section.

Thank you in advance!

Natasha Chernyavskaya
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  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Author
    I am sorry, here is the link once again:
  • Posted on Accepted

    I can see that you are fairly young and capable of doing many things. The problem is that you are not sure what direction to go in, and are using one website to attract work of all three genres.

    I'd like to suggest that you make a different website for your FABULOUS jewelry (in my opinion, this is where you stand out), one for photography and one for web design. You can have links to those sites on your website if you want, but they don't belong together.

    Consider pushing your bilingual abilities, but as John pointed out, have a native speaker proof your work.

    You will see that when you are using your site to advertise ONLY your graphics abilities, all the other problems will work themselves out.

    Your front page feels more like a resume, or a job interview. Check out other designer's sites, they are more simple, letting the work sell itself.

    Good luck!

  • Posted on Accepted
    You should focus your website on only a couple things your offering your services to. The Jewellery and the Art stuff that you have is really out of place with your graphic designs, image services do match. The Photography also seem kind of out of place with the web design. It seems your site has no overall theme. I understand you are very versatile but its all jumbled in your site. The site should just be fixed on your website and your graphic and image services.

    The links below the copyright is blurry and tiny and so numerous its hard to see.

    I think it'd also help if you had some web templates to sell to. Those are easy to use to some people who aren't ready to have a custom-designed site yet. It also allows you to show more of your web designing skills

    It'd be helpful to have more articles other then the 2 that you already have. Its so few that it seems pointless to have that section unless you have more things in it. It'd help to have like e-commerce tips or website promotions and so on.

    Can you do flash? Because most web services do offer flash. It would be a great addition to your services since not only does it follow a designing theme it matches with your website.

    For your portfolio link to the active sites that you have done your services for.

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