
Topic: Advertising/PR

Eco-friendly Steel Buildings

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are a large company looking to advertise our eco-friendly building systems and metal components. Our buildings have always met the Energy-Star standards, but we are a little behind on promoting "green." We are looking to promote our "cool roofs" and "green" buildings but I need a slogan to tie into our current advertising plan. So far, we are using simple advertising methods, which primarliy promote the strength and durability of steel. Any ideas for slogans or taglines? Example for what we've come up with are: "Green comes natural," "We've were green before it was cool," etc.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Steel, Naturally.
  • Posted on Member
    I'd like to receive your marketing information for our resort development
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I helped found the Co Chapter, US Green Building Council where I served as a board member past 5 years.

    Many co's ask me about green marketing, and you have to desiminate what is important, what is green wash and what has an actual beneift.

    I would suggest first, going to the USGBC site, and review the criteria. Its the best known resorse for helping people understand true green attribues.

    While when I speak to clients I say, the best hing you can do for the environment is choose a long lasting product-- you are selling energy effiecintcy.

    Steel itself may or not be "green"-- FSC certified wood framing has also a strong case. What gives you the advantage? Play on it.

    So move your focus from "durabillity" to that. Energy is the low lying fruit-- it is the benefit clients identify with best and easiest sell.

    Review the USGBC criteria-- any architect is familiar with them. Identify which credits you might apply for, and either repost or email me offline. Architects are now very sensitive to blanket satements.

    I actually like, "green is the color of steel". You could build not just a powerful tagline, but a powerful brand.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm

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