
Topic: Website Critique

Crtique For New Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi Everybody,

We have launched a new website under and would appreciate any feedback you may have.

The key goal of the site is the spread the message of enterprise software in hours and get people signed up to our private beta waitlist.

Thanks in advance,

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    As for SEO input -

    Your logo alt tag reads: "topbar_logo1.gif"

    It should read: "Build, Share and Sell powerful applications easily with no coding"

    Also things like put your site map and FAQ in the upper right hand corner.

    Otherwise, the site looks pretty good.

  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    I like the overall design. Here are some ideas:

    Shorten the header tagline to: Create enterprise applications in hours -- NO CODE REQUIRED!
    (if you want to keep as is, at least change "allows" to "empowers" or something more active).

    I like flash demos that don't require sound (especially if I'm playing them at work). If you can, I would make the visuals of the demo work on their own, through a combination of text and visuals, and make them more compelling and move faster. The homepage demo should be short, people won't sit through a long one unless they're farther along into the sales process.

    Apps page -
    HR - Manage all aspects of "hiring and firing" sounds bad and simplifies the role of HR, which I don't think a prospect would like. How about "Manage all aspects of human resource management".

    Add a period at the end of the CRM pararaph.

    Recruitment manager - CVs should not have an apostrophe. Multi-tiered should be hyphenated.

    It would be nice to be able to click on the screenshots to open a larger version of the image.

    I think you could use a page or section on benefits. I wouldn't replace the features page, because you can get more technical and product-oriented there, but it would be good to show why users choose Iceberg. E.g., save money, focus resources on business-specific tasks instead of IT, good for small businesses etc. Maybe you could have links to particular industries and show what applications they use -- e.g. a retail store might use the rostering and timesheet.

    Things to consider adding in the future, as available:
    link to white papers (convince the prospect that building their own apps is a good thing)
    customer case studies

    Hope that helps!
  • Posted on Member
    I couldn't find an "About Us"-type link or page. I'd think that customers who are interested in your product would want to know who you are. Especially if they are entrusting you with their HR, CRM, and project management, they will want to know who they are dealing with and how they can get in touch with them. Right now, all I see is an "info" email address.

    Also, your FAQ answer #3 should perhaps read, "On what platform is Iceberg built?"

    Otherwise, looks like a great website (and great product).

    -Tracey Webb
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    Hello, Wayne

    Here's my input.

    Turn Ons and Good Stuff: Layout colors and layout itself, shading, fonts

    Turn Offs and Mistakes

    - Movie on the first page launching without my permission
    - Singing up for a waiting list (???) You have to give me a 1-month trial, and you will actually benefit from it! Within this month I will test it and there will be lots of users, and if I want to stay, there may be a nice bill. But where can I sign up? I don't wanna wait. Good-bye.
    - There is no address, phone number, no single name I could find. I don't wanna deal with something, which has no person behind it. Contact us launching a mail client. WHY? What if I don't want it to? Bad mistake. You had to call the button "E-mail" to warn me that you force my mail client to launch.
    - Is the name of this project Iceberg or Iceberg on Demand? Make it clear!
    - Keywords are not comprehensive, you have to edit the tag, it could be much better. I would also think on the description. Something like "Iceberg On Demand - Powerful web based applications easily set up with no coding".
    - Pointy border for the block on Applications page doesn't go along with the design concept, this page also has no name. Also names of the sections has to be featured in the Title.
    - Same screen shots in two sections. WHY? Besides, they have no explanation to them. Waste of space.
    - I don't really understand why there is the same bar with the same words there on every page? I have seen it once, vary it, it gets boring.
    - Work on SEO, you really need it.

    I think I have mentioned everything.

    Good Luck!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya.

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