
Topic: Advertising/PR

Out Of Ideas To Get More Clients

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I own/operate a virtual assistant business. I have narrowed a niche down to the private investigation, judgment recovery and credit and collection industries (more towards PI's than the others)

Anyways, I have sent postcards, created a website with excellent SEO, participated in online forums, article marketing, created a blog and I am even offering new clients one free hour so hopefully I can get them to try without any risk and then use my services continuously. I have had no luck.

I am close to getting up the courage to do some cold calling but as of yet, have not done that. Also, I don't even know what to say if they answer their phones. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as to what I can do to get the people to use my services and as to what to say when cold calling.

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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    You have a lot of questions here.

    In marketing you have to be patient. It takes many "touches" for your client to respond. So, one postcard isn't going to do it. Multiples, all different, newsletters, etc and you'll start to make an impression.

    Mailings, etc though are passive. You are starting to get that in attempting cold calling. People are initially mistrustful and to gain trust-- they want a face. Think that today they received 3 VA brochures, what is different about you?

    You have a blog, but what are you doing to drive traffic to it?

    I'd add networking events to your marketing weapons. Read some books on phone selling, Al Sobcak is good, James Domanski too.

    what is your elevator speech. You don't sell VA, you sell convenience, speed-- I don't know the right words-- but you sell solutions.

    And you give them a reason to act now. On the first conversation, sell the appointment. Remember, unless they have called you, they don't know they need your service. So develop good "pain" questions to create those hooks. All benefits must pass the "so what" test. "I do typing for you" (SO WHAT).

    Think of possible objections. I have an administrative assistant. "do you ever have times when she's busy with the day to day and is temporarily overloaded"

    Define your target and be lazar sharp on who you want to talk to and what benefit you provide.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    By the way, in working with small to mid businesses, I don't know one who at times needs an extra hand-- but feels the only alternative is to hire someone outright. The problem with temp agencies is you don't have the ability to retain the same person all the time. To have one person on a need by need basis-- pay only for what you need, is a very strong selling point.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Author
    Wow, you are quick. You have given great suggestions let me start by telling you what ones I have done.

    I have sent three different postcards to the same 100 companies. I have been trying to figure out what is different about me as compared to the other VA's and all that I can come up with is that I am passionate about anything that has to do with law and order. I have always been intrigued by it. However, I don't think that is a very good selling point.

    I do have a blog and as for driving traffic to it, I have the link in my signature line on my outgoing emails and I also have links to it in my sig line on forums. What else can I do to get traffic?

    I went to a networking event but the only one they have where I live is the Chamber of Commerce and unless I am a member, I am not allowed to attend anymore (I don't have the funds to put towards that at the moment)

    Here is my elevator speech:

    We specialize in allowing private investigators more time in the field instead of behind the desk.

    On my website, I have three questions they need to ask themselves:

    Are they so overworked that they are not giving their cases the attention they need?

    Are they tired of spending hours and hours on non-revenue generating tasks?

    Are they looking to hand off some of their mundane tasks but don't have the means nor want the hassle of hiring an employee?

    On my cold calling "script" that I have, I have come up with a bunch of objections and the reasons why they are not an issue.

    I also created a form that Private investigators use daily and I have given it to them for free to download from my website. That was a good response. At the bottom of the form, I have my name, my company, and my website so it is always there when they use it.

    I have done a lot of different things to try to bring in business. I guess I will have to try the cold calling and see where that gets me.


  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    Please tell me you called all those people after you mailed them the card. Generally, you can increase your response rate from 2% (with no follow up) to 10%.

    Just call them, ask them if they remember receiving 3 mailings from you. Then start your script.

  • Posted on Author

    Umm, no I haven't (as I blush from embarrassment) I've been too scared to. I just sent out a postcard mailing a week and a half ago. I am pushing myself to call them next week that way I know that they have received them.

  • Posted on Author

    That would be great. I think that is one of the reasons why I haven't done calling is because I really don't know what to say to prospects. I don't want to sound really dumb and unprofessional. I am past the point where if they hang up on me or are nasty to me that I take it personally.

    Give me a day or two to come up with the packages and then I will email you.

    How do I email you? Do I just contact you at the contact us link on your website?

  • Posted on Author
    Do you need a virtual assistant bswartzwelder? (Doesn't hurt to ask does it?)

    Anyways, you all have given me some great advice and given me the extra boost to do some cold calling. I have created a sample script and was wondering if I could get everyone's input:

    Hi, is John Doe Available?

    Hi, my name is Tracy Collins with Collins Admin. We specialize in helping private investigators like yourself get out in the field instead of behind a desk. Do you have a few minutes?

    Who handles your secretarial tasks? (If they say they do here's what I will say)

    What if I told you, you could save $2000 per month by outsourcing your secretarial tasks?

    And then if they say how can I do that then I will give my rundown on how much they are costing themselves.

    If they say they aren't interested either say thank you for your time or say wow, I'm surprised that you don't want to save $2000 per month but thank you for your time anyway.

    Feel free to rip it apart if you need to.

  • Posted on Accepted
    One thing you might consider is offering your service as a value added service that can be digging up new business. From what I understand of the PI business it is feast or famine. This would make you stand out from the rest of the virtual assistants.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you trying to market yourself locally or nationwide? Given your niche, I would focus on finding where PIs (etc.) congregate. Do they subscribe to a newsletter? eZine? Website community? Magazine? Newspaper? Conferences?

    Then, spend time connecting with this community (online, ads, letters to the editor, press releases, letters to profiled individuals).

    And you do need a solid reason ("Unique Selling Proposition" = USP) that says why you're the best one for them. Even if it is - I'm a small business, I'm eager, I don't have distractions.
  • Posted on Author
    So what garry is saying is that I should say something to the effect that I am constantly referring business to the PI's that I work with from other PI's, right?

    I do belong to three yahoo groups that are for the PI but one of the bad things about getting into other groups is you either have to be invited or have a PI license which I do not have.

    I also do have a classified ad in the most read trade journal of the industry. It's an ongoing thing. I have it set up for 6 issues to see how it goes. In fact I just changed the wording for it because as of yet, I haven't gotten a response from it.

    I can't join the pay associations right now because they are around $200 or so to join them. Also, as mentioned before, I made some forms that the PI would use on a daily basis and I contacted some associations and asked if they would be interested in having copies of them to give to their members all at no cost to the association or the member. However, I haven't had any luck with them but I just contacted them on Thursday.


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