
Topic: Advertising/PR

Swimming Pool Business Names

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am restarting my business after 2 yrs of being deployed in Iraq. I am looking for a great catchy and very strong business name.
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  • Posted by Christian on Member
    Can you describe the business a bit more?

    For example:
    "Sink or Swim" might make a good name for a cleaning service, but prob not for pool sales. :)

  • Posted on Author
    swimming pool construction and sales. Inground custom pools
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Describing your business in more detail certainly won't hurt anything, but of much greater importance for this task is describing and defining your target audience, identifying what's really important to them, and then figuring out what makes you so different from other people in your business that a prospective customer should hire you.

    Start with the target audience. Who are they? Where do they live? How are they different from the person who lives next door but is not a prospective customer? What makes them tick? What is their greatest unmet need when it comes to their home/property? Why might they want a pool in the first place?

    My approach to this would be to see if you can get 6-8 of these folks to agree to talk with you ... just so you can ask some of these questions. Don't try to sell them anything or convince them you're great. Just ask them a few high-gain questions and let them talk. You listen and take notes.

    After you've spoken with your quota (at least 6-8), analyze your notes and see what they've said and what the common threads are. With any luck at all, you'll have a great start on a positioning statement, and that's what you need to come up with a good name that will communicate your message every time someone sees it.

    Good luck. Welcome back. And thank you for your service to the country. We all need to remember that we owe you a real debt of gratitude, regardless of how we feel about the political aspects of the war.
  • Posted on Member
    Welcome Home and thank you.

    I first thought of "Algae Be Gone" because that's my problem lately. Then, I saw you're in the construction business. I thought all the money was made in the maintenance of the pool, not the building of it. So, yours must be something special?

    Do answer Michael's questions and this forum will come up with some great names.

  • Posted on Author
    some of those look great. Keep them coming
  • Posted on Author
    I really appreciate all of the responses and am very greatful of the thanks of my service to my country, it is people like you all that i do my job with pride. Thanks again and i really hope that you all can help me get my company started back up with the drive and force to make all of the sacrifices worth it. Thanks ED ( by the way how many points am i giving for this question
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi eddiep63,

    hope you're having a Great day but most importantly a wonderful life. Welcome back and thanks for your service to our country. I have to digress and say I grew up a military brat and so really appreciate knowing I may be of some help to you. While I know you're looking for a name I couldn't agree more with mgoodman but most people are just really hot about getting on with the magic of the name and I'll be the first to say the power of a name does mean so much more than we can ever imagine. So while I'm tempted to offer a couple remember ---I'm not your client--- and a client ought to be protected by the company they're doing business with. Your customer's opinion does matter more than mine. But here's some names to toss in your Think Tank.





    You might want to check out this link which has a lot of handy resources for people who are choosing builders for their swimming pools in Florida. Where are you building by the way? At least this will give you some insight on Builders and how people are encouraged to choose pool builders...I guess you can say this is a link for "Customers" who are interested in contacting pool builders like yourself.

    There are many emotional triggers that provoke your customer to choose your place of business for the purpose of constructing their pool and so knowing more about your market place does matter. For instance you can build customize pools in Beverly Hills (where homes cost millions) and customize pools in a community where the cost of homes is $250,000. Believe you me the name you'll use in one community will fair a lot better than other names you can choose. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    If you'd really like to know more about approaching a good name visit this link

    Now go a step further and don't believe a word I'm saying but consider several various sources here
  • Posted by BlueSage on Member
    Hi Eddie,

    Where are you located? You are giving 2525 pts. You might want to close this question and try again with lower pt value. or not.

    will you be building upscale pools? pebble tec, plaster? salt, chlorine?

    What branch were you in? Could you trade on that? Would you want too?

    From 1 proud Vet [2times], to another Vet,

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Private Oases (which allows you to sell adjunct services, not just pools)

    Beachfront in your Backyard
    Luxury Pools
    Backyard Luxuries
    Pool Palaces
    Swimming Edens
  • Posted on Author
    This is great and fun too! I apperciate all the respones to my questions. I wish i could give you all points. Thanks Ed
  • Posted by mlittle on Member
    Dive In

  • Posted on Accepted
    Here are some of my idea's. Pool Paradise
    Pool Helper
    Instant Swimming
    Aqua Construction
    Pool made easy
    Never in need (swimming)
    Build to swim

    There are pretty good idea's from all of the respondents, hope u'll find what u are looking for)))

  • Posted by steveg on Accepted
    When it comes to construction or development companies, the big players all started out with different stories but have a few common attributes:
    -hard work
    -happy customers
    -most were originally driven by one individual
    -they carry the name of that individual

    I'd like you to take into consideration your own last name for several reasons:
    -trust with the customer that they know who they are dealing with
    -you are the expert, not a cute, catchy company name
    -it sounds immediately can focus on a good tag line to help identify the service.
    -pride of ownership, legacy, etc.
    -you deserve it

    Pool construction is a huge investment for any family. Most will look beyond the name before they make the decision, so your client list, customer service, trust, design presentations, and dependable quoting will be what sells your service. Putting your name first will let the customer know you stand behind your work and your word.

  • Posted on Member
    Just checking in to see what name was chosen and why? We just did a website redesign under this name Swimming Pool Contractor (
  • Posted on Member
    Hello Eddie,

    Don't know if you opened your new Pool Company already but here are some tips I use before I choose a new company name.

    Choose a name that you can get a .com URL ( PoolsinIraq[dot]com)
    you can check to see what's available.

    After that I would check for a FREE email hosting like GMAIL, Hotmail,Yahoo and maybe a local one in IRAQ if it's available.

    You might also want to check if the name is available were you incorporate your new business in IRAQ.

    And finally you can set up a FREE website blog at or at load up your company history, lots of pool photos and ideas and you should be good to go.

    If you need some ideas for your website you can visit mine at

    Good Luck and Prosperity,

    Dago "The Pool Guru"

  • Posted on Member
    Sorry Eddie here's my website link again

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