
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique: How Can I Raise Contact Rate?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I just started a new personal shopper business. My website is

Out of the initial 300 unique visitors, only 2 have sent an e-mail with a request.

This number seems low to me, so I would appreciate your input regarding things that could be done to motivate people to send in a request.

Do you see a problem in text, page flow, or any other issues?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Your site is attractive. But other than the "free consultation" there is no call to action. Do something to create TOMA, top of mind attitude and build loyalty. Such as a newsletter with some success stories, unusual requests (that show your capabilities)

    Sell Well and Often tm
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree regarding the lack of calls to action. I think you also need answers to questions people are asking themselves when they are on your site.

    Why would I need a personal shopper?
    What are they going to do that i can't do myself?
    What is the benefit to me using a service like this?

    I'm on the site now just thinking to myself, "when would i ever need a service like this?". I'm thinking, well.... if I ever forgot my wifes birthday or our anniversary and I didn't have time to go out and get her something or even shop online, then this would be worth it. Maybe you need to go after men since we always seem to forget stuff like this. In addition going after corporate exec's who have the money but not the time to shop for themselves.

    In my opinion PR and Social Media would probably be great resources to utilize. You need to educate the public that these services are available and how they work. I think then you will drive more qualified traffic.

  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I agree w/ the call to action. Also, my objection as a prospect would be -- how can you know my personal tastes if this is over the Internet? I could look on gift/item suggestion websites to get ideas for a purchase (like, for example), but I might use a personal shopper that knows my exact fit, what looks good on me, what I like, etc. Can your organization do that? If so, address the objection and show how you overcome it.
  • Posted on Member
    product emphisys missing
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have more information "above the fold". Answer some of the following questions in your copy:

    How much will this cost me?
    How much time will this take? (i.e., will I spend more time telling you about what I"m looking for, reviewing your choices, etc. than simply doing it myself)?
    Can you save me money (i.e., do you find sales I don't)?
    What if I don't like what you pick out for me?
    Why should I trust you?
    Tell me about someone you've helped
    What can you do that I can't do myself?

    Your home page has too many choices for people to click on, so people don't click on anything. Make it obvious that you take care of 3 categories (personal, business, international) on your home page, so I can quickly find if you can help ME.

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