
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ad Idea Has Me Up Nights... Where To Go With It?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Waiting on a corner after a workout I watched a guy in a cool old SAAB pull up to a stop sign. While it was the car that caught my eye, what I saw going on in the back seat during the short time the guy was at the intersection has kept me awake nights. Nothing even slightly off color, I assure you. Suffice it to say, it involved a baby & a dog, and I think it might be the perfect scenario for one one of those Mastercard commercials that ends in "...$....$.....$.....priceless."

I just checked the website, and it seems that people like me may submit ad ideas, but "priceless" ideas become property of Mastercard, without any credit, monetary or otherwise, heading in the direction of the submitter.

Is there another route I could take to pitch such a sweet scene?
I am not in the biz, but feel like someone should hear about this, and feel that the potential to touch a lot of people (selling a lifestyle, really) is great.

Thanks for your time.

-sleepless in seattle
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    "I just checked the website, and it seems that people like me may submit ad ideas, but "priceless" ideas become property of Mastercard"

    An option is go ahead and submit it anyway. It's unlikely they will use it, but if they do you will get nice confirmation that it really is a great idea. It will also become a portfolio piece. If you observed this great idea, the odds are you have a talent and there are many more ad ideas to come.

    Best of luck

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Is your goal to make money from this single image, to pitch other things as well to MasterCard, or to get known in the industry?

    If you're hoping to simply make $ from the idea, pitching it to them and/or YouTube makes good sense to me. Realize it's just an idea, and that actually making the idea work is what separates the dreamers from the do-ers.

    If you want to get your foot in the door, then an informational interview may make sense to understand the process of working for them. During the meeting, you might mention you have an idea for an ad, and ask who you should meet with, etc.

    If it's to get known, then you'll need to start crafting a portfolio. As a minimum, storyboard your idea. Shoot the video if you're feeling expansive.

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