
Topic: Advertising/PR

Nonprofit Pr And Partnership Marketing Strategies?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm doing some pro bono work for a client that is responsible for recruitment and PR for a nonprofit that benefits children's charities. The organization appears to have started as an extension of fraternity life back in the 20's, but they are doing some great things to date. Their credibility varies from state to state. They have 32 chapters, 1000 members in US and Canada and they raise millions of dollars and 100,000+ hours in service. Their efforts are a bit disjointed as they do everything from soup kitchens to large scale fundraisers. They want to go for some big wins in the recruitment of corporate sponsorships for events as well as members. To date, their recruitment efforts have been grassroots and they have had some success in aligning with beer companies for corporate sponsorships, but they are really looking to change the game. They feel if they can nail the right partner, it can help with image and membership will fall into place. I'm not even sure where to start with this one.

So there are really two questions.

1. What is the best strategy in acquiring corporate sponsorships for a demographic of 20-40 (M/F) with end benefactor that is disadvantaged children

2. Big ideas on large scale national recruitment strategies are welcome (I'm thinking aligning with HR departments in large companies for example).

Much thanks,
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    I've worked in and with non-profits over the years and would highly suggest that you begin by aligning your self with sponsors that support your long term image. Beer companies with sponsorships and children might not go over that great in the eyes of your future sponsors and donors.

    Meeting with the powers that be to determine this strategy is pivtol to the existence of this organizations image long term.

    The next thing I would begin doing is examining current existing fundraising strategies to see where you are loosing ground. Determine how you can leverage time and energy to gain more value from the effort you're currently putting to work.

    Examine your business relationships currently to clearly see how you can expand your current relationship base. If your organization has been around for almost 100 years their has to be a strong relationship base that you can build off of to touch others in the world (i.e., those who you want to create sponsorships with). I am currently showing an organization that deals with children how to do this very thing right now.

    Also contact and begin to read the website to identify how you can begin to create contacts through their organization.

    Most importantly remember that "when planting the seeds of greatness it takes time to see the fruit. Please ***Be Patient*** and don't forget to plant your seeds early and often". If your organizations purpose is helping disadvantaged children that should be an easy sell. If I can be of help see my profile.

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