
Topic: Website Critique

Freelance Website - Needs Feedback

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
We recently launched a nicely conceptualized website for freelancers around the globe to make their life easier by allowing them to find projects of their expertise from different resources at one place .

I am looking for some feedback on the design and concept.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Good Concept.. but already pretty well filled with competitors. You will need to find something to differentiate yourself..

    Website, I suggest you get rid of the google ads, to me these are only used on "low end" websites.
  • Posted on Author
    Can you give me URLs of similar websites ? We differentiate ourselves by allowing users to search for their expertise and instant notification when a project is posted on any of the website.

    Google ads - We can remove that but they are the only source of revenue as of now..

    What do you think the concept is getting across ?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A few thoughts -

    To see a job, you require registration. Why?

    The registration requires me to fill in too much information. Why shouldn't my email address alone be sufficient (with an optional name?)

    As a freelancer, it seems that subscribing to your site is low-risk, IF the quality of leads is accurate (i.e., not outdated and the businesses actually pay for work done).

  • Posted by jeepzia on Accepted
    As I see it, the way you differentiate yourself is via the aggregate feature. As a freelancer, this is pretty nifty. It saves me from having to go from site to site to find work.

    I'd want to know if I'm signing up for junk mail by filling this stuff out. How easy is it to unsubscribe if I want to?

    Keywords: Is this what I do? How about a drop-down for common choices and an "other" field just in case?

    Registration thank you page should bring up a log in - or auto log in. (I'm lazy. I don't want to look for that link). Be consistent with wording. Use either log in or sign in.

    Once in, I am not clear what all your numbers and symbols mean on the graph and if I click on my keyword, I get a 404.

    Results page needs obvious BACK (to keyword list). (I see now that this is the MY PAGE link, but not was not clear.

    I didn't notice off-hand, but if a project is posted on a couple sites, will it appear multiple times on your lists?

    Good luck. Seems like a good project.

  • Posted on Author
    jeepzia, here are my comments in response to yours:

    As I see it, the way you differentiate yourself is via the aggregate feature. As a freelancer, this is pretty nifty. It saves me from having to go from site to site to find work.

    Comments - Yes, it is .. That is the whole point - to make freelancers life simpler but the most important thing is we allow them to search by budget which other freelancing sites don't provide.

    I'd want to know if I'm signing up for junk mail by filling this stuff out. How easy is it to unsubscribe if I want to?

    Comments - I agree that registration form is little long. but you can un-subscribe any time.

    Keywords: Is this what I do? How about a drop-down for common choices and an "other" field just in case?

    Comments - I am not sure what do you mean ?

    * Registration thank you page should bring up a log in - or auto log in. (I'm lazy. I don't want to look for that link). Be consistent with wording. Use either log in or sign in.
    * Once in, I am not clear what all your numbers and symbols mean on the graph and if I click on my keyword, I get a 404.
    * Results page needs obvious BACK (to keyword list). (I see now that this is the MY PAGE link, but not was not clear.

    Comments - True. We will implement it.

    I didn't notice off-hand, but if a project is posted on a couple sites, will it appear multiple times on your lists?

    Comments - It will appear in multiple times on my list.. yes.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Two bits of advice:

    1. Write down five core things that your website means to you, what should users get from it, what are its values? Now look at your website and see if you can find evidence of these values either from the homepage or within two clicks (or preferably one) - if you can't find them easily neither can your potential visitors. This small test is done to just see if you are promoting your self and getting your key messages across effectively.

    2. Goto as they currently have a free guide on what makes websites highly effective operations.

    Good Luck

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