
Topic: Advertising/PR

Effectively Promoting The Release Of A Newly Revised Internal Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am part of scientific information support group (the library) within a large pharmaceutical company. We are preparting to re-launch the library website out to our internal users. The primary goal of the library is to enable R&D to reduce cycle time, improve the pipeline, provide effective IP protection and streamline current information awareness. While email seems to be the method of communication we incorporate most, I feel like it has gotten old and stale and wonder if there aren't some other ways to get out message out. We have a global audience and I understand why we use email but I think people are overwhelmed but the amount of email they receive. Are there other effective ways to promote the news surrounding our re-launch that has both the potential to reach the masses but also get more bang for our communication efforts?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    You may try streamline video. The video email services in the US do not reach outside our borders yet, but you can create streamming video with Flash ( and other methods ( It's definately worth checking out.

    They have made most of the applications cross-platform and very few require plugins or downloads. Pretty cool. They can be distributed and integrated into email, web pages, pop-ups etc.

    I hope this helps! If you guys need help with some of the graphics and production work, I have all the software and may be able to assist you. Just click on my name to drop me an email.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Try Post cards.

    They're an effective alternative, easy to reproduce and adapt at a low cost. With the right campaign you can probably increase interest and simultaneously drive away boredom from the same old tired emails. Spunk them up a little and ***make it funky***. Just remember if you've got a problem that means there's a solution somewhere nearby. probably right under your nose. Go for it!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi plp7293,

    Sounds to me like you are a perfect candidate to start implementing RSS/Atom feeds within your organization.

    Adoption could be slow, as with all new technology (although RSS really isn't that new) although what you will find as with all technology is that you will have early adopters that will embrace it and they will spread it virally.

    Then, everybody will wonder how they lived without it.

    Some of the better articles I've seen are right here at or at just search for "RSS" or "Atom".

    Good luck!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Do you have any notorious personalities in your pharmaceutical company? Not necessarily the CEO, but some heroic scientists or respected researchers whose names employees would probably recognize?

    Contact them and persuade them to do you a favor!

    Give them a tour of the new library website and show them how it works by using examples relevant to their own current projects. Tell them you need their help spreading the word about the improvements. Get them to write and send an email to their peers to share the news about the online library features they love; you can be a "ghost author" of the email draft, but the message needs to come from them, not you!

    - Shelley

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