
Topic: Advertising/PR

Company Brochure

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Updating an existing brochure!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi kim,

    we need more info if we are going to help.things like:

    what type of company is it b2b, b2c, service, products?

    do you want ideas to improve it?

    what have you done so far?

    things like that.

    i am willing to hope

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Yes we need lots more info to provide helpful advice - not only about your company and market, but also about your sales model and organization.

    As you decide on a brochure or a family of brochures, you need to determine which tools will be most helpful for your sales team. Is the primary goal of the brochure to generate interest, or to follow up interest, or to serve as a part of a proposal to the customer? Will large quantities be given away (e.g. for a cleaning service) or very few high quality image pieces (e.g. for an enterprise software product).

    Also, do you anticipate changes in the future? If so, does a high quality "presentation folder" make sense, to which you can add inserts based on specific areas of interest?

    Are you a part of a larger organization? Can you take advantage of some of their literature?

    Do you have a web site? Can we look at that, so that we can not only learn more about your offering, but also generate some ideas about how to tie the two together from a graphics point of view.

    Do you plan to distribute the brochure electronically, do you plan to have a few thousand professionally printed, or will you be printing them yourselves on an as-needed basis?

    The more info you can give us, the more helpful we can be.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Are you concerned about the way the brochure looks or do you need help with what goes in it?

    Do you want the brochure to look?


    Help us out so we can help you out.

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