
Topic: Website Critique


Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I've tried to keep the site simple and keep the emphasis on the products.

Also, to allow each product stand on its own for a quick reference

I am not sure I've got it right

Would you change the look or layout ? or have any other suggestions ?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Overall, the purpose of your site is confusing. I initially thought it was a catalog site - where you focus on new products and sell them. But after clicking around awhile and not seeing any way to buy products, I realized you're just listing new things that you like. Given this, I wouldn't make the site look like a catalog - I'd make it look like a blog of things you found that you like with links & pictures.

    Specific things:
    1) Your About Us didn't help me understand what the site's purpose is nor anything about you.
    2) The Home link from About Us is broken
    3) The home page's title is too long ("The quickest way to finding...")
    4) The home page itself isn't well laid out. The blue areas on the right/left get in the way of me looking around.
    5) The Contact Us & About Us are in non-standard places
    6) Your contact info should be on the bottom of each of your pages
    7) Make your site's page width dynamic. If I resize my page, I should be able to see more things.
    8) Don't sell the adspace on the right side of the page - it doesn't reinforce your "brand".
    9) Allow me to click on the pictures.
    10) Clicking on "More information..." shouldn't take me off your site. As a minimum, launch the new site into a new window.
    11) On the home page, show one (random?) picture from each category, encouraging the user to click to the category for more detailed list.
    12) Provide a "Search" facility to find products with certain keywords.
    13) The entire site looks too much like a template. The header pictures are too generic for your "new" image.
  • Posted on Member
    I am sorry, but although i like your idea, it seems old fashioned.

    colours are boring and squares are so out. I would expect that a site with new things will also look high tech!!!

    I found many interesting things to buy though.

    Good luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the input.

  • Posted by jpoyer on Member
    Larry -- what a totally fun idea. It is very Hammacher Schlemmer-esque, and I definitely think there is an audience for these kinds of sites.

    The biggest thing, I think -- is your site "look." There's no easy way to say this, but it looks very amateurish. Even your logo -- see the big space between the apostrophe and the "s"? This is a simple design fix that would immediately improve the look of your logo -- but I do strongly suggest that you take the time to hammacher that out (so punny), because sites like Hammacher Schlemmer and Sky Mall is what you are competing with.

    Who is your audience? Keep in mind that many, probably the majority, of these items will be above the range of your average shopper. I know when I go to SkyMall or Hammacher looking for an unusual gift, I am prepared to pay at least $50-$100 for that perfect something special that I know they won't be getting from anyone else.

    Overall, this is a great idea, and I definitely think there is a market for it, but I do think your branding / design needs some work.

    Best Wishes,

    XPRT Creative
  • Posted on Member
    I think the site is a good idea but it is not designed well. You cannot name a site and have a web design that looks 5 years old.
    The images look unprofessional and the logo and masthead on the top of the page are very dated. You site is going to have a very high bounce rate unless you have perceived value right off the bat. You can do either one of two things. One, hirer someone to redesign the site and give it a lot of Web 2.0 tricks and a new modern design.
    Two, go low tech. Get rid of your images, make a nice logo and go purely text. Think Google or Craigslist.
    Sometimes less is more. I think having a functional site that gives good information will carry you very far.

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