
Topic: Student Questions

Need Information On Cocacola's Brands Strategy-how Do The Company Adapt It's Products For Different Markets?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Does CocaCola standardize products or adapt them for different markets?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I don't like these broad questions, as it sounds like you are asking us to do your college final report for you. I don't mind helping you get past specifics you are having trouble with, but don't want to write the whole thing. But that said...

    I can taste the difference in the product in different countries, so I suspect they adapt it.

    There definitely are differences in packaging (size, shape, material, etc.). Developing countries use more glass bottles where developed countries use more aluminum.

    Diet Coke is not as readily available in many countries. I could find it in some places in Japan, but most convenience stores did not have it. Couldn't find it at all in Korea or China. Guess the diet fad is more of a western thing.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi walker200,

    have you had a look at cokes website? (it has a flash intro but loads fast, on my computer anyway)

    the site is very interesting. I had a lot of fun reading it.

    thanks for the question, otherwise I would not have gone to the site.

    I hope this helps

    ps use the question search button, I recall a similar question has been asked before.


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