
Topic: Branding

How Can Distribution Help Build Brand Image Especially In Emerging Markets?

Posted by Anonymous on 425 Points
How does distribution help in building the brand image of brands in the FMCG sector especially in emerging markets such as Asia, where the huge supermarket(wal-mart) culture is just beginning to grow. Does it play any role at all? Isnt brand building largely done through promotional exercises?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Well, if you think about it, solid distribution channels mean consistant availability, which leads to consistant exposure and ultimately which HELP the brand image.

    PR and promotions are a great way to build brands but there is much more to branding such as building equity and loyalty.

    Distribution is especially important in the FMCG sector. EVEN MORE important in a targeted low income economy (Walmart-Asia). Why? Well, not only is the population immense over there, the use of FMCG is outrageous. Imagine you owna brand of papertowel. Would you not want your towels in every household? In order to do this, you need to establish a brand loyalty -not wih just promotion but availability as well.

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Greg,

    Asia's FMCG market has grown exponentially over the past decade, but each market continues to develop at its own pace. This range in development comes from variations in the characteristics of consumers, the supply market, logistics and distribution.

    Here is an excellent research article by A.T. Kearney as they talk specifically about distribution, WalMart and Carrefour's impact on it in the upper and lower tier markets.

    I hope that helps.

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