
Topic: Website Critique

Website Value Criteria

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
Hi, I'm preparing for a pitch (3rd round) for a website and we're very close to getting this account. The company is requesting that we address the following in our presentation for which we have 15 minutes :)

"Benchmarking for major real estate companies including at least 2 from USA, 2 from Europe, and 2 regional real estate developers (middle east). Such benchmark/research should highlight in high level the following:

a. If their website is considered as a successful business tool, how they have achieved that

b. If their website is considered as a failure (as they are a major real estate developer), what mistakes they have done

Any direction, advice, feedback, etc...
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  • Posted by connors on Member
    I agree with Randall. And I'll take that one step further: Am I understanding correctly that this is a major real estate developer that you are pitching? I'm wondering if this company is just trying to pick your brain (without compensation). I could see why they would want to know that you are strategic in your thinking, but couldn't they get that information by looking at the sites you have developed and discussing the strategic direction and results with you? I'd caution you against spending too much time and energy on this account before you get it. However, if it's important to you, and your intuition says you have a good shot (and you'd like to work with this co. as a client) go for it. Good luck!

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I think a quality benchmark/research project will cost as much as a new website. How are they going to pay you?

    That said, success comes from building web traffic to the site and interactivity (stickyness) with the customer. We have been using social media systems as cost effective means to build traffic. You could investigate how well the competitors are using social media and add this data to your presentation.

    good luck,

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    It could be worse. They could have picked up a pen and said, "Sell me this pen."

    It's questions like these that make me glad we don't have to give these kinds of presentations or prepare these kinds of proposals.
  • Posted by kpalmer on Member
    Simple answer to this one...

    call a couple of companies in the real estate game in the areas that they are asking about. Ask them the questions...they'll tell you the answer and you make your pitch.

    The answer will then be right from the source and you'll then provide your analysis / opinions from there. Surveys never really fail to produce actual opinions from real people already in a place where your client wants to go.

    No one minds talking about themselves over the phone EVER - if the questions are skillfully put forth, and the respondent feels that the information they are providing will be of use to someone in the future.

    Kevin Palmer, RMP, CMInst.M, CTB
    [Phone number deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by georgi.stoilov on Member
    1. any idea how can you quantify - "successful" vs"failure" when you have no statistics at all. Does your prospect have a site they have run before. If so can you get some statistics

    2. against which sites will you compare - have they provided you a list - you can not build up your own list obviously as you are a developer not estate property salesperson.

    for me this seems very strange question to ask for a benchmarking of a new site vs already existing ones

    Do not forget that designing the site is just the first step. promotion and using of the site is a completely different story. Is this part of the contract you are after?

  • Posted on Member
    A great tool for benchmarkign websites is Website Grader. You could use this tool to evaluate the client's current website, as well as their competitors, and then tell them how you can help them overcome their competition.
  • Posted on Member
    Why not rather present on what they will lose out on by not having a website...if you can sell them on the fact they need the site, you'll know what disadvantages to pitch regarding no having it in place.
  • Posted by connors on Member
    Thanks for the tip on Website Grader. Very cool resource to know about!
  • Posted by Giselle on Member
    Sounds like they are trying to have you do the work and show how your website is measuring up to what is out there. Focus and put the work in if you want this job.

    Visiting the many many real estate websites you will quickly see the difference between them.
    Pick a set of parameters as if you were searching for a house and do the exact same search on all the websites you come across. This will keep your comparison apples to apples. You will then begin to see some websites don't even offer several of the parameters you are trying to define.

    Presenting: in your comparison, show snapshots of the websites, 4-5 bullet point on each. Perhaps a quick SWOT on each of them. Succinct.

    In the midst of this research, if you haven't already done it, you will come across aspects you have not included in your website, make sure to reiterate your website.

    on Benchmarking:
    Realestate websites want to you email/call reach out to them somehow, quickly. Are they accomplishing that?
    Did the site make you want to call them? email? keep looking?

    Feel free to email if you need additional suggestions.

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