
Topic: Advertising/PR

Security Agency Startup

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am from Mumbai India and I need your advice. I have recently decided to start a business and wish to open a security agency as this sector is growing at a very fast rate. I would wish to know how I get clients and what are the possible problems I might face?
My business will provide services such as armed or unarmed security personnel for buildings, offices, residential complexes etc. Also, we will be providing security personnel for transporting valuable goods within the city. Also, which media would be best suited for promotion of my business.
Later on, I also plan to open up a detective section in my company as all other such companies also offer this service. I recently read a question on this forum about whether India is good for service or product marketing and one of your experts said that service marketing is good for urban areas. I was a bit confused until now but that answer has helped me make a decision. I am expecting a lot from this website I hope all of you help me.
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Having spent 5 years in the security consulting business for security products like burglar/fire alarms, access sytems, camera systems and monitoring services I found that the best way to attract clients was to observe communites where a need for security products like the ones above were needed. In your case you must apply a similar relevant approach.

    Having the appropriate information that gave us the demographics for areas of high crime, fire and burglaries made a tremendous difference.

    Canvasing the community with the appropriate marketing documents that will allow you to leave valuable information is important.

    Here's the main key that brought me many customers: Canvass the community making a Free offering to do a "SECURITY ANALYSIS" for businesses in the community. When one person gives you the opportunity to do this security analysis be extensive in your review of all your prospects needs.

    Cloverleaf which is term for visiting multiple prospects in the same vicinity. Once you get one person to allow you to do the analysis go to their neighbors informing them that you just did a "SECURITY ANALYSIS" for their neighbor. We found birds of a feather flock together. People are more motivated to do the same when they know someone else has participated in the process.

    These are only a few things that will get you started and I have way to many other ideas that will work but try these and if you like it keep using it. Remember nothing attempted nothing gained and if the method above does not get you clients you're not working the system. By the way we used television and radio promotion but remember using the method above and word of mouth will get you more clients than you ever could imagine.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

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