
Topic: Advertising/PR

When/why Hold A News Conference?

Posted by leeann on 250 Points
A client has asked for assistance holding a news conference to announce upcoming educational business seminars to be held in rural counties. The seminars will be conducted in collaboration with a local college, Small Business Development Center and the local SCORE chapter (retired executives who offer free business advice to startups and existing companies).

I'm not certain they have proposed enough of a draw to ask editors and reporters to come out for a news conference. Their plan is to have the coordinators of events (and only some of the presenters) on hand to explain what will be offered at the seminars. Also, they want the conference to happen in two weeks, during which time they will TRY to garner additional commitment for presenters to be on hand.

I advised my client instead to send a straight news release --or possibly a media kit that included additional information -- on the seminar schedule. What do you advise?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    The way to get media attention is to create an event -- like an entrepreneur day, inviting the mayor and other high profile people. SBDC's are often having luncheons and other events-- tie it to one of their events. Or a chamber event. On its own, I agree with you-- I don't feel it will draw. Sending a press release on its own is also a crap shoot. Unless your client is well known in the area to be newsworthy, and/or you have relations with the press to get it published.

    Sell Well and Often tm
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I just read the 2nd part of your question. Tying into the chamber gives them an opportunity to showcase other presenters. I am working on a similar series, and that is how I'm presenting it to chambers. It behooves other presenters to be on hand. If a module of your series is talking about funding a business, it benefits a small business banker to be on hand. It establishes him as the expert, and sets them apart from all the other banking choices someone has. The two weeks doesn't scare me as far as presenters-- I'm more worried about attendees.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Unless your presenters are well-known, the conference is likely not to be a success.

    Contact the business editors in your local media. You want your "news" to appear in that section. Ideally, talk to them, and follow-up with a press release to them. You're trying to build a relationship.

    Focus on getting the word out through the rural community clubs and organizations (including churches and chambers).

  • Posted by leeann on Author
    Thank you for the fast responses. And I especially like Carol's suggestion of getting the client to think beyond the news conference to another type of event. We have great relationships with the local media, so I don't think there will be a problem getting the seminar info. published. A news release and appropriate follow-up should accomplish this. The other primary audience is, in fact, local chambers and their members so the idea of tying into one of their events is right on. Thanks again.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I have found, these kind of things need a personal interest twist. Editors are hit by hundreds of announcements that are nothing more than attempts to gain free advertising....

    Human interest... why would the readers be interested? why would this enhance their publicataion?

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